WiFi Password || AU

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Short One Shot!!


(F/n) is bored, she doesn't have any plans for today and her "friends" didn't invite her to the trip to the beach. That's why she's looking at her phone scrolling up and down, sometimes laughing at memes she stumbled upon her page, then go back scrolling.

That is, until her WiFi shuts down on its own. She doesn't want to stand up, she's laying down comfortable on her couch and doesn't want to disturb her dog who's laying comfortable on her feet.

She looks through her window and saw Guren living the house. And a devilish thought came through her mind. She's close with Guren, friends maybe, but they talk from time to time, and they were co-workers as well!

Guren's WiFi is pretty fast, i'm sure he wouldn't notice a thing? But the thing is, Guren's WiFi has password on it, making her pout in dissapointment. But since she likes to get what she wants, she types a lot of useless things like: Mahiruismyex, Noya, Yuuichiroismyson, ILoveShinya.

None of them works, obviously Guren wasn't that goofy to have those types of passwords. With last attempt, she typed: (F/n) (L/n)

She laughs quietly because of her own stupidity.

But, it connected to his WiFi.


This is just a random idea that I thought of!!!!!!

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