Long time no see

538 7 2

(December 2019)

Shawn slowly sat up on his hotel bed still jet lagged, only landing in Orlando the day before only giving him today to get ready for his show the next day. Shawn groggily stood up, had breakfast and got his things and left for the gym.

At the gym when he had put all of his stuff into a locker, saw a group of women enter. There was a blonde girl that he felt he knew her. He was on the treadmill when he felt someone tap on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Candice.

Shawn: Holy shit, Candice.

Shawn jumped off of the treadmill to embrace her.

Candice: ewww, you're all sweaty.

Shawn: that's what happens when you actually work out.

Candice: *pffft* whatever, anyway what are you doing here, I haven't seen ages.

Shawn: I have a show tomorrow.

Candice: are sure you're not here for the tryout this week.

Shawn: I actually didn't know there was tryouts.

Candice: well, now you do and you in it.

Shawn: I don't know.

Candice: too bad you don't get a choice.

Shawn: ok fine, but you know I won't get signed.

Candice: we'll see won't we.

Shawn: I guess we will.

Candice: anyway I'll let you carry on with your work out, but we need to catch up later.

Shawn: see you later.

Shawn watched as Candice walked back to her friends then went back on the treadmill. Later when he left the gym he had a million thoughts in his head, was he ready for the tryout, he didn't even feel ready for show, what if he did get signed, he still has bookings to do. But mainly he thought about Candice and when he would see her again.

This is love (Candice LeRae x ocWhere stories live. Discover now