Tryouts and dinner

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Shawn winced as pain shot up and down his back as he tried to get up from his bed, he hadn't fully recovered from a bad bump on the floor he took the day before at the show. He reached for his phone and saw that Candice had messaged him reminding him about the tryouts happening later that day. He put the phone down on the table and went back to his bed when his phone starting ringing.

Shawn: hello?

Candice: hi, did you get my text about the tryouts.

Shawn: yeah I did, thanks.

Candice: so I guess I'll see you later.

Shawn: I guess so, see you later.

Shawn sighed and started to pack his gear and head out to the PC.

Shawn looked in awe of standing in front the profromce center, slowly walking towards it. As soon as he entered Candice ran up and embraced him.

Candice: you're actually here.

Shawn: yeah why, didn't you trust me.

Candice: yes, I thought that you were going to say that it was pointless because they're never going to sign you.

Shawn: I mean that's true, I'm just here so you don't nag me anymore.

Candice rolled her eyes and gave him a punch on the shoulder.

Candice: anyway, I guess you should go over there now, but I'll talk with you after.

Candice hugged him once more before going into the weight room as Shawn joined the other hopeful trainees.

Shawn sat on the apron breathing heavily after the tryouts, most of it was just the basic in ring stuff including back bumps, which felt like hell to him. Candice walked towards him in her newly changed street clothes.

Candice: how did you do?

Shawn: I don't know, they said if I don't get a call this week then I probably never.

Candice: I'm sure you will get the call.

Shawn: I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Candice: anyway, do you want to have dinner at a restaurant with me tonight.

Shawn: just me and you?

Candice: yeah why, is that a problem?

Shawn: no, I just don't want Johnny mad.

Candice: he won't, he knows we're just friends and you wouldn't do anything to me.

Shawn: ok then.

Candice: great, just remember to pick me up at 7.

Shawn pulled up at the front of Candice's house at 7 like she had asked him. He waited twenty minutes until Candice finally got to the car.

Candice: hey sorry for making you wait.

Shawn: that's alright, but are you ok?

He asked looking at her red and watery eyes.

Candice: yeah, can we just go.

Shawn: ok.

Once they were able to get a table they sat in silence for for a minute before Candice finally spoke.

Candice: soooooo, what have you been up to since I signed.

Shawn: just traveling and wrestling.

Candice: so haven't done anything else?

Shawn: I just haven't had much time to anything else.

Candice: you know most people who say wrestling is their life don't do it all the time.

Shawn smiled and chuckled.

Shawn: yeah I know I should settle down, but how have you been, what is it like making the big bucks.

Candice: it's been fun and Johnny is really happy.

Shawn: I'm sure he is, he's the face of the brand, but it must be stressful.

Candice: yeah.......

After that the conversation died until their food came, they talked and joked about the past until they had finished their food.

Shawn pulled up at Candice's house at 11.

Candice: I had fun tonight.

Shawn: me too, we should do this again.

Candice: definitely.

Candice hugged Shawn before exiting the car. She watched as she Shawn pulled away from the house, sighing when she couldn't see the car anymore and went inside the house.

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