Chapter 3

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"Don't do it again, please? If you ever feel like cutting, take my arm and cut as many times as you would yourself," Matt demanded.

"Matt, no. I would be hurting you," I frowned.

"But it's hurting me to see you cut. At least call me when you feel like cutting, please?" He begged.

"Fine. Can we talk about something else now?" I asked and he nodded.

He set up the Wii and handed me a pink controller. He took the blue controller for himself.

We started to play Super Smash Bro's (SSB) . In the middle of the round, my phone started to play "Tomorrow Never Dies" by 5SOS. That was my ringtone. I looked at the caller ID and it read "Lukey Poo ❤" I answered  it immediately.

"Luke!"I smiled widely.

"Haha. Hey, Mini. What's up?"

"I'm with one of my friends Matt," I say.

"Espinosa? The famous viner?!" He screams on the other end.

"Wait what? Can I call you back in like, 5 minutes?" I asked.

"Yea sure. See ya,"  And with that, we both hung up.

I looked at Matt  straight in the eye.

"Famous viner, eh?" I asked.

"Umm yea. Listen I was gonna tell you but I-" I cut him off.


"Yea but I should be the one cheering because I have a very beautiful best friend," I blushed at what he just said.

"T-thank you,"

That was the first time someone ever called me beautiful. I'll admit, I do have a little crush on Matt. A little?, Who am I kidding? I have a HUGE crush on Matt.

"Back to the game?" He asked.

"You play. I want to talk to my brother," I smiled and put my character on CPU.

I dialled Luke's number and he picked up right away.

"Hey," I said.

"HeyMini?" Luke asked.


"How's dad doing?" I froze.

All of a sudden, I had the urge to kill someone. I clenched my fists, and growled a little.

"Why should I care?!! He's the worst father anyone could ever want! And according to him, I'm the worst daughter in the world! But you! You on the other hand! You're like his little perfect angel! The one he always loved! The one he actually cared for!" I snapped then started to cry.

"Why would he say that?" Luke asked.

"God, guys only pick up on one thing, don't they? And besides, why would you care? Your hardly home anymore. I needed you. I needed you to save me from him. But no, you left!" I yelled.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

Before he could say anything else, I hung up.

"Um, I think I'm gonna go home," I frowned at the thought.

"Are you sure? I mean, I was standing right here. It sounded as if something has happened between you and your dad. You can stay here, if you'd like," He pulled me into a hug. I, of course, hugged back.

"N-No, its fine. I'll just go into my room. If I need anything, I'll come back here or text you," I smiled gently and walked to the door.

"Bye. Please be careful," He looked at me.

"I will!"

I walked out of his house and slowly walked mine.

I could have stayed at Matt's but I know if I did, my dad would be pissed, and hurt me. Maybe even both Matt and I.

I walked into my house and went  straight into my room, only to see my dad leaning on my bedroom wall. He didn't see me right away so I slowly backed up into the washroom. I dialled Luke's number. I needed to prove that dad was a horrible father, and only liked Luke.

"Luke?" I whispered.


"I'm going put my phone on speaker and put it in my pocket. Whatever you do, please don't hang up. I need you." And with that, I put my phone in my sweater pocket and slowly walked to my room.

"Dear, how was school?" Dad asked.

"Why are you being all nice to me?" I snapped.

He stood up and walked closer.

"Can I talk to Luke?" He asked innocently.

Without me even answering, he grabbed the phone out of my pocket.

"Hey, Luke. How is it up in Cali right now?" My dad asked.

"It's good, dad. And why does Hannah seem scared of you ever since I left?" Luke asked.

My dad gave me a death look and looked back at the phone.

"I'm not sure, son. But, I'm so sorry. I have to go cook dinner. Call us whenever you like. Bye,"  My dad cheered and hung up.

He threw my phone at the wall, not breaking it but giving it a few scratches.

He walked up to me then slapped me. I need to tell Matt about this sooner or later. Obviously I couldn't tell Luke, because he wouldn't believe me unless if he saw it, and he's not here right now. So, he can't see whats going on.

"How could you?! I told you if you ever tell someone something like that, I will kill you!" Dad shouts.

"I'm sorry, dad! I was just scared!" I cried.

He punched me.

"Today's your lucky day because we have guests coming over. Get dressed," He ordered then walked out, slamming my door.

Maybe it's not a bad idea to stay over at Matt's after all.

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