Chapter 6

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The drive to Canada's Wonderland was long. All the guys talked about was who's the fastest guy, who farts a lot, burps and other random shit.

Like, seriously, if I wasn't used to the guys by now, I would be dead right now, oh my lord.

"Hey! Cameron!" Nash yelled. Great.

"Hey, Nash! Guys!" Cam cheers.

I hid behind Matt. Once Cam and the rest of the guys noticed me, they made a face as if they just saw a person throw up.

"Ugh, why is she here?" Carter snarled.

"Relax, she's fine. She's done nothing to us. And I told you I was bringing her, so don't acted all  shocked." Hayes stuck up for me.

I mouthed 'thank you' to him. He nodded in response.

"No you didn't, Hayes. You never said anything like that so don't be all rude and idiotic to me!"

Once Carter said that, of course Nash got mad.

I did too. I moved from behind Matt to now in front of Carter.

"Don't you ever say that again!" I slapped him.

Carter punched me causing me to fall. Nash and Matt both punched Carter. Shawn and Hayes had to pull off Matt and Nash while the other guys had to pull Carter off the ground.

I stood up and jumped back at carter.


Cameron came up and pulled my hair. Then, he threw me to the ground.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Matt, Hayes, Shawn and Nash yelled. (Im going call the good people for the story 'Furious 4' and the bad 'Mad 6')

Mad 6 were all screaming their heads off. I looked up and saw Jack G was about to punch Hayes. I immediately jumped up in front of Hayes causing me to get the punch in my jaw.

I fell on the ground in pain. Everyone went silent.

"Care to explain what's going on?" A deep male voice asked. I looked up and saw a police officer, "and also explain why you just hit a girl.."

When he said that, anger rose through my body. He's pretty much saying that girls are weak and they can't stand up for themselves.

"Are you calling me weak?!" I snapped and stood up.

The other police officer walked up to us.

"Alright! What's the matter here?!" He asked.

"Your 'partner' just call me weak!" I yelled.

"WHAT?! Oh, I'm so sorry! We'll let you guys be, Have a nice day," He smiled and dragged his partner away and into their cars.

"Your welcome, guys. I just saved you from going into jail," I grinned and walked away to one of the rides.

"Where's my Roller Coaster Buddy?!" I yelled. Hayes came running up to me.

"Thank you for helping me," He smiled giving me a hug.

"Anything for my little bro," I shook my hands in his hair.

"Little bro?" He asked.

"Yea, your basically my little brother," I smiled and got on the ride.

"We'll then, your the big sister I always wanted," He hopped on the ride beside me.

The ride started moving. There were lots of turns and upside down spins. It was awesome.

Once the ride was done, we got off.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Hayes and I cheer.

I guess Bad 6 left already, because I didn't see them. Good.

"What ride did you go on?!" Nash asked.

"Leviathan," I answered, "why?"

"Hayes! Your not suppose to go on that ride! Your going get sick!" Nash yelled.

I looked at Hayes who was as pale as anything.

"Nash! I'm so sorry! I-" Nash cut me off.

"It's okay! You didn't know and I didn't tell you. I'll just say this now, he's going throw up soon. And he can't go on any upside rides, okay?" Nash ordered.

I nodded my head and Hayes ran to the washroom. Nash was following him.

" I didn't mean to! I feel so bad!" I jumped into Matt's arm. "I wish I knew! This is all my fault!"

"Hannah, This isn't a bad thing. He isn't going to die. He's just going be sick for about an hour. This happens all the time. And its not even a big deal," Matt laughed.

"I know, but I still feel really bad. If I knew-" I got cut off again.

"Hannah! Lets go on this one!" Hayes yelled and pointed to the waterside.

I looked at Nash asking if it was okay.

"Go for it," Nash smiled.

I grabbed Hayes' wrist and dragged him to it.

We got on a tube together. We started to move. We were screaming and cheering.

As we were falling, I faintly saw a guy attack Shawn..

"Hayes!" I yelled and pointed. Then we landed at the bottom and fell in the water.

"Let's do it again!" Hayes cheered.

I got out of the water and ran to all of the guys..

"Hannah! Where are you going?!" Hayes caught up to me.

He saw what was happening. As we were running, Hayes screamed.

I turned around and saw a guy holding Hayes. No weapons or anything, so that was a good thing. Just then, someone grabbed me. He put a gun up to my head. All the guys had masks on.

"What do you want?!" I screamed and kicked the guy.

He fell to the floor and I ran up to Hayes. I punched the guy and grabbed his black mask. It was Cameron.

Gone Girl || Magcon/ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now