Chapter 7

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"Cameron! Let go of Hayes!" I yelled.

"Why should I listen to a slut like you?" He laughed, so did the guy that held me.

The guy that held me walked up to Cam and took Hayes.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked quietly as Cam walked up to me.

"There fine. Jack G, Jack J and Aaron have them. And Taylor is also helping them out. So of course, this is Carter," Cam answered pointing to the guy holding Hayes.

He took off his mask, showing his face. 

"Don't hurt them," I begged.

"May I ask this again, why should I listen to a slut like you?" He grinned and grabbed my wrists.

I winced in pain from my cuts I made a couple days ago.

"Please! Don't hurt them!" I cried.

He held up a gun to my head.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Hayes yelled.

I gave him an 'its okay' look. He looked back sadly.

"Want to go see them?" Cam asked ignoring Hayes' shouts.

"Hayes! I'm sorry!" I cried and Cam dragged me away.

As we were walking I saw the rest of Furious 4.

"Guys!" I yelled.

The all looked at me with worried faces. I mean, Cam still had a gun up to my head.

"DONT HURT HER!" I heard Hayes' faint scream in the background.

"What's you do to Hayes?!" Nash yelled earning him a smack from Taylor.

"I swear god, if you ever lay a hand on anyone of them again, I will beat the crap out of you!" I yelled.

Jack G daringly slapped Matt. Hard. He fell to the ground and hit his head. He went unconscious.

I burst out of Cam's grip and ran up to Jack G. I punched him right in the jaw and he fell back. He grabbed my leg and pull me to the ground.

"Weakling, aren't ya?" He grinned and slapped me.

I kicked him. He held onto me so I couldn't move.

"Get off me!" I screamed.

He held onto me tighter. I eventually gave up. He started kissing me. That made all the guys and myself go crazy, and mad.  Unfortunately, the guys  all couldn't do anything. All they could do was watch.

Jack G carried me to the private washroom.


I sat on the floor, crying so hard.

I can't believe he just raped me. Jack G just raped me!

Thinking about this made me cry harder.

I heard footsteps coming into the washroom.

"Hannah! Hannah! Where are you?!" I could tell it was Nash.

"N-Nash.." I cried.

He ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug.

"Are you okay?!" He asked.

"No. H-he.. He, r-raped me!" I cried harder into his chest.

"We'll take you to the hospital! Everything will be okay! I promise!" He hugged me tighter.

Gone Girl || Magcon/ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now