Chapter 1

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In a silent setting, a boy no older than fourteen sat alone in front of an old wooden desk.  He had long black hair reaching partly over his ears and eyes. Skinny enough to look geeky, his fashion and odor were awful. Paler than snow, acne prospered around a giant nose right above his always chapped upside down U lips. His gloomy brown eyes focused on nothing.

With the pressure of trying to fit in, he had given up. The ridicule received; shattered hopes of keeping friends. Alone and desolate his words could not be heard. Anything at his actions, were found at the sight of others. Being his peers’ scapegoat, Ray thrived to their delight.

Ray beheld his un-renovated room. Nothing but a bare desk, a twin sized bed, TV, and a pile of clothes. Beneath his feet carpet couldn’t even exist giving the room a cold feeling. Interestingly enough, it did not bother him. He was able to thrive well enough and it was his own room.

          Walking out of the old house, the presence of summer reigned. Silence fell to the summer heat. It couldn’t be beaten and throughout the seasons, this was most precious. Staring out to a place of solitude, Ray wandered deeply into feelings of his past.

          Before seclusion being the only friend, two very good friends were around. It all changed within a single day.

A more popular kid insisted to take Ray’s spot because of it being near the door. “Go move somewhere else, I need to sit here.” “No”, Ray said, “I sat here first, go sit someplace else.” Because everyone else hated Ray, they all pressured him to move. As this occurred, Ivar and Todd did what every other kid would do. Fit in. Ray stared with hate at his friends. Knowing then popularity got the best of him, he began thinking why not? Why not lash out?

Ray took a huge right hook at Dan’s face. Missing by foots, everyone just laughed. “What the fuck dude?” Dan confusedly stated. “Get out of here, douchebag.” Ray’s face flushed red. Shaking with rage, he ran towards him and gave a push. Dan barely moving flung him down and hit his jaw. Ray covered up using his arms and rolled out the way jumping up to throw his fist at Dan. And as luck prevailed, Ray got spotted by a teacher. “Now who’s the dumbass now?” mocked Dan.

Ray kept thinking about it until he took interest in what lay onward. Sitting on a bench ahead were his only former friends, Todd and Ivar. Analyzing for en-route, he glanced back at the bench. They took notice and began walking away murmuring. Only guessing what the murmurs were, he guessed out loud, “I hate Ray, and Ray’s a piece of shit…. Sigh” How could defending yourself, cause so much hate? It hadn’t been the only time either. There were several times. Most of them, Ray did nothing but give in. Cliques of the school were too influential. Teachers, students, friends, even people he didn’t know had to say their word against him. This caused a lot of grief not only did it cause trouble gaining friends but just talking to others also. Most of the time they would just walk away or even tell him to fuckoff.

Passing the bench on the sidewalk, the site of Osceola woods gave way. To his only last happiness, that place gave peace of the mind. He felt forests were there for him and other lost children in society. Smiling at it, he proceeded down the street.

Slightly he turned his view down the street for feeling Todd and Ivar would come back to say “Sorry we turned on you Ray, can we still be friends?” Nothing, in the distance they kept walking to Ivars house. That scene made him want to forget he ever had friends.

Into the woods, life thrived far and wide. Birds chirped, insects buzzed, and rabbits darted at sight. Beauty crept on the plants to please him, it covered the flowers, vines, branches, and anything else in sight.

Being alone out here always gave rise to opportunities such as exploring past grievances, cutting new trails, and visit new areas.

Ray began onto a new area where a beautiful cottonwood towered to the heavens. The tree had roots up to his chest, driftwood bark, black holes; but it still lived with grace. Sure that no one else knew of it, Ray decided this to be the hangout spot. Hours went by as he took every feature in clearing nearby shrubs away from it.

          Darkening the sky became and soon it would be night. Ray reluctantly began the walk home. Always having to leave the forest, it hurt him to do so. Life outside of it always caused him to be noticed.

          “Look there’s Ray.” Dan whispered to his friend Tyler. “Why does he even bother to even be outside?”

“Yeah, no shit, he should just drop dead.” Said Tyler.

“Let’s sneak up and kick his ass.” Dan stated.

Dan and Tyler stood in an alley way behind some bushes in front of Ray’s path. Ray as usual rarely walked with his head up, so he didn’t see what was coming. Dan ran up first grabbing Ray’s hair to drag his body to the ground. Tyler becoming enraged started kicking at Ray. Dan stood for a while to watch but lastingly joined in as Ray tried to stand. Curling up as his only defense Ray began yelling for them to stop. “HEY!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU KIDS DOING!!!” All three of them looked up to see Ray’s dad raging with hate. Dan and Tyler raced off full of anxiety. Thank god his dad caught that. Ray ran over to his dad already feeling bruising on his ribs and face. “Are you alright son? It looks like you didn’t get hurt too bad. What did you do to them?”

“I was just heading back from the forest and they came out of nowhere.” Ray sobbed. 

          Back in the house, Ray’s dad Arthur couldn’t help but feel bad for his son. If only he could fight back or something? Smoking his cheap cigarettes, he glanced around the house and saw how bare it was. Thinking of what they had and how unfortunate Ray had it as a teenager, especially in these days where glamour is everything, sent a stake through his heart. If only he could do more but Disability pay was all Arthur had.

          Ray lay in his bed thinking about the day. From a lamb to a lion, matters persisted downhill. Problems always arose when others were around. Seemingly the faults of problems laid on him. Growing sleepy and reeking of body odor he hopped in the shower.

          Ray ascended down stairs to eat.  All that the fridge held was some bologna and condiments; never anything. “Hey Ray! Why do you always have to shower? That water bill isn’t going to pay for itself!” “Dad I was dirty..” “I don’t care I take one once a week and that’s good enough.” Furiously leaving to bed; nothing could ever be perfect enough. Always around every corner there had to be conflict.

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