Chapter 4

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“I think whoever is out here is over there.” Whispered Ivar pointing. Todd stridden ahead to hear better accidentally stepping in a gopher hole, “Ouch!” He straggled on as Ivar began to further distance himself. “Wait up man!” Standing, Ivar began to hear voices get louder. “Shhh.” Said Ivar with his finger over his lips. “Look.” He said nodding his head. They both crept down behind lengthy grass. Ray was talking to the inside of the mausoleum. “Hey man that’s really fucked up.” Stated Todd looking wide eyed. Ray twisted around at Todd’s direction. He muttered something then took off.

As Todd and Ivar heard his footsteps distancing off, they both got up to see what held in the structure. With a pace slow enough not to make sounds, they both peered in. Nothing. It was bare, only cobwebs plastered the insides. “There had to be someone around. That or he was just talking to himself, I mean everyone does that time to time. Nothing else would make sense.” Ivar agreed but to himself something felt strange about this place; eerie yet dazing.             “I think we should just go and not say anything about it. Even though Ray is a jackass, I don’t think it’d help his case with Dan. He did used to be our friend.” Todd agreed and as far as they knew, none of what they saw took place.

In bed Ray was watching TV while eating popcorn. More than ever he felt better. Ivar, Todd and the others didn’t even bother him anymore. The day held a lot of fun and tomorrow could also after school. It was just strange how he never meet Ken before. Where did he even come from? It just didn’t come across as a question to ask at the time. Why did it bother I guess, technically I’m not a total outcast now.

“Ray, were you in the woods all day again?” Arthur yelled.

 “Yeah I was I meet this kid Ken.”

“Where is he from? Or are you just making it up?” Arthur said grouchily. “No I’m not making it up, me and Ken hanged out in the woods messing around.”

“Well, alright but next time don’t come home so damn late, people talk you know.” 

Ray became enraged why did his dad always have to bother him? Why so mad all the time? It just bothered him so much. Never could his dad just say something nice, like “Hey Ray lets go buy you some new shirts or guess what supper isn’t packaged bologna.” But knowing better he stopped daydreaming.

Back in school, it was free period, while others talked Ray slumped over a book. Deep into a survival story, all the other kids’ words were not heard. Unfortunately Dan had to be in the same classroom.

“Should I do it?” Dan chuckled. Was all could be heard through the imaginative book. “Should I? Hahaha.” Still not paying attention, Dan came up and slapped Ray’s arm so his head smacked the wooden desk. Everyone laughed wildly while his face turned red and gave an evil look their way. “What the fuck you going to do about it?” Dan said while holding his arms out the side. Ray knowing better still got up and proceeded to beat Dan silly. Fortunately for the both of them, the teacher walked in.

“Hey! What’s going on in here? Both of you sit down and shut up.” They both began to say something until the teacher interrupted again while swaying one arm, “I do not want to hear it.” Ray started reading again while he heard Dan mocking from behind. “Weasel face.” He whispered repeatedly. Just quiet enough for the teacher not to hear or care. Ray still trying to ignore couldn’t anymore. Remembering how many people turned on him before after his last fight, he asked to go to the bathroom.

Refreshing his thirst at the water fountain, Ray felt a little better. The long seemingly walk to ridicule lead to peer out the doors at the end of the hallway. Standing by the doors outside, was a young man. Ken.

Ray snuck outside. Before he could reach Ken, Ray saw him nowhere. Only to be snuck up on him. “Boo!”

Ray jumped. “Ken what are you doing here? Don’t you have school or something?”

“Why are you being so noisy? “ Ken said offended. Ray not wanting to start a fight said “Never mind just curious, so what are you doing?”

“Just chilling out, roaming the town……Want to come with? I was going to the mausoleum again.” Ray thought about it for a while but before he could say anything the janitor Mr. Withers showed up.

“What are you doing here Ray? Shouldn’t you be in class?” Ray looked around for Ken and he began to stutter, “I was….never mind. I’m going back to class now.”

“Better not catch you out here again.” Mr. Withers said looking concerned.

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