New beginning part II

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Third person p.o.v

"Ughh I don't think I can wait much longer" Meredith said dramatically falling on the floor.

Her sister looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"I am ready to go as well but u don't see me being dramatic about it" she thought to herself.

Her thoughts didn't go unheard by Meredith as she gave kailani the middle finger.

"Stay out of my head" kailani told her putting up a mind block.

Its been thirty minutes and their dad was still not there. Tired of waiting both of the girls got up ready to leave and come back later. Suddenly their dad bursted through the door breathing heavily. He had just ran from the other side of the mansion hoping to catch the girls before they left. He knew his daughters were the most impatient people ever so he was slightly surprised to still see them here.

"How smart of you dad to put the meeting room on the other side of the house" Meredith thought snickering.

"Sorry girls, the meeting was longer than I thought it was gonna be"
He sounded so out of breath that you would think he was running a marathon.

"I have some news that i am not even one percent excited about but your mother is"

"OK so what's the big news, I know its good if your not happy about it " Lani asked. The girl knew that if their dad's not happy about something that their mom is, its good news. Both were secretly hoping that it would finally be the one and only thing they are always asking for.

"Well girls your dream of not being homeschooled is coming true, you are going to high school"

And that was all it took to get them overly excited. They both screamed at the top of their lungs bursting all the glass window in all the wings that were located in the south area of the house. They were so excited they forgot about their sonic scream.

" Repair" Meredith whispered watching as all the glass was back into the windows and doors.

They have been begging their dad for a year now to let them spend the last year of high school at an actual school. After the whole kidnapping incident they weren't allowed to go out a lot and when they did, they would be heavily guarded.

"Wow really!?" Kailani asked really hoping he was serious. Her dad was someone who love to prank them.

She was excited yes but also confused on what suddenly made him change his mind after a whole year of waiting.

"Yeah your mom finally convinced me, it was more like a bribe tho, u guys get what u want to study at school and I get a year of alone time with my wife"
he said smirking at the end.

Ew TMI <too much information > dad, gross that's nasty, that is shit you keep to your self or tell your friends,not your children.

"So which school are we going, is it heartlands high school" they asked

"No unfortunately not, u are going to study in Canada" dad replied

"why can't we study here in London closer to you guys"

The girls love London, it was their home, everyone they loved was here. And the one time they left England was when were kidnapped so you can assume it was not a pleasant experience for them.

"Because your mother and I won't be able to protect u in England because we will be busy but we have friends in Canada that can, very powerful alphas"

"OK so where are we going exactly?" Lani asked still not completely okay with the idea of going back to America


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