Message #19: Type of Lover

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Lilia: Everyone let's talk.

Silver: About what?

Lilia: You know, our type of lovers.

Malleus: Lovers?

Lilia: Yes, Lovers.

Lilia: As in what type of person do you want as your future wife?

Sebek: Is this really necessary?

Lilia: Oh come now Sebek, it'll be fun and interesting. 😊

Silver: We don't have a choice don't we?

Lilia: Speaking of which, why won't we have Glorious be part of our interesting conversation?

Malleus: Guess so.

Silver: Oh no. 😓

Sebek: Huh? Wait, Lilia!

*Lilia adds Gloriane to the chat conversation*

Gloriane: Huh?

Lilia: Hello Glorious, glad that you'd pick up!

Gloriane: Lilia, I'm in the library.

Sebek: Lilia! Why would you drag Lady Titania into this?!

Lilia: Why not? Having a girl in our conversation could be much more exciting!

Gloriane: I already don't like where this is going.

Malleus: Not to worry Titania, it'll be over sooner or later.

Lilia: Now that Glorious is here, let's get this party started!

Gloriane: Yippee 🙄

Lilia: alright, who here wants to start?

Gloriane: I'll go.

Malleus: No, allow me.

Lilia: Oh! How about we take a guess what Sebek's type is?

Sebek: Why me?!

Malleus: Didn't you ask who will go first, Lilia?

Lilia: Glorious, how about you take a guess on what his type is?

Silver: Annnnd he's not listening.

Gloriane: Lord Malleus?

Sebek: Was that your feeble attempt to joke?

Silver: It's more or less correct though.

Sebek: f#&k you, Silver!

Lilia: 😂

Malleus: ........

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