CHAPTER 3: The Giant

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Rheena huddled in her room. She had barricaded her windows and doors with chairs and cupboards and hid herself all the way up in her room. She wasn't even sure if the boys would come get her, not with all the chaos outside.

The walls still echoed with the screams of dying humans. Broken doors and shattering windows could be heard outside. The deathly spatter of blood and gore could be heard even through the thick cement walls.

She sat silently. Her emergency escape bags have been packed, and if the boys would actually come get her, she had also packed a lot of supplies in advance. She knew she couldn't be a burden, and it would be a waste of supplies if they just left it all here behind.

She waited. Hour after excruciatingly slow hour passed. She had given the boys 24 hours to get her. She knew that normally, it would've taken them at least two hours to simply drive all the way up here, but given the circumstance, who knows how long they'd get here?

What seemed like three hours later, the noises died down. The zombies must have finished eating/infecting whatever had survived the initial onslaught. Quietly she crept toward one of the windows. The sun had started to go down and already there was a hue of darkness creeping in. The street lights turned on. She needed to see if it was safe enough to go out already. So gingerly she opened her window just a bit, and took a peep.

What she saw frightened her almost to wits' end.

The creatures had not infected everybody. In fact, they had kept a lot of the women alive. The young girls and the old women were turned, but healthy, birthing women were kept unharmed.

This was a new development. Had the zombies developed a new form of intelligence? The women had been gagged and held down by the freshly infected. They were struggling, but their screams were muffled by the zombie men's hands. Twisted legs and broken arms forced the women's legs and arms apart, as if the zombies had become living shackles.

An unusually tall being was inspecting the women. It looked nothing human. It was tall, perhaps 8 feet tall – Rheena could only surmise its size. The creature looked nothing horrid at all. In fact it looked rather... civilized.

It was inspecting the women as if they were specimens. The poor souls had been dragged up and torn down.

"Interesting indeed. Perhaps you'll make do for this." The creature said out loud. Surprisingly the creature was understandable.

"Take these women and multiply!"

With wide eyes, Rheena realized what the cretins were doing. As the screams of women filled the darkening sky, she fumbled for her phone. This was important. This had never been seen before.

The zombies began gathering the women. They were going to use them to repopulate.

"Yes! Yes! That's the spirit boys! You're too dumb to beat off guns and weapons but if there's enough of the lot of you, you can just mass up and overrun their defenses!" The creature laughed victoriously as the women screamed.

She turned away, unable to watch the horror that just happened. She opened her messenger. Enough of the world's digital infrastructure were still working – she could definitely send this video to inform them of what's happening. She needed to –'

A shadow cast over her.

"What are you doing, little missy?" The demon's head smiled at her maliciously.

She screamed.

She tried to run away but the creature was impossibly quick. It reached over her through the window, breaking the glass windows in the process and grabbed her by the ankle. 'The supplies!' she thought quickly. She threw the phone over to the table, the phone bounced in the hard wood. The creature's sharp grip was digging deeply into her ankles, causing them to bleed.

"You know, you shouldn't have had set your phone brightness to high, little lady!" The monster jeered. "You would've lived!"

The password! Rheena desperately thought as she was being dragged outside the window. With the last of her strength she held on tightly, and wrote the phone's password on the bed's sheet.

"PW is 4 – 5 – 2 – crack!" Her leg broke. She screamed. The pain was so intense she almost passed out. It seemed as if she could no longer write the last number as the monster finally pulled her free from her grip. She held on to the windowsill. There was no hope for her... she only wished that the boys could figure out her message. With a last desperate effort, she drew a circle on the wall outside her home.

"This is her boys! The last of the Mohicans!" The creature laughed at his terrible pun. He swayed Rheena back and forth like a ragdoll and smashed her straight to the ground. There was a sickening crack. "This neighborhood is done for. Let's move on to the next one." He looked at Rheena's lifeless eyes. "You, I'll keep as a snack." He laughed.

The brute bit into the mangled corpse and walked away. The monsters followed the creature, dragging their screaming, now pregnant prisoners to the next neighborhood.

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