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A head flew off and bounced off the hood of the silver adventure as Luke decapitated a zombie. He had driven alone towards the nearest market (which was in this case Baclayon) to vent his frustrations out. The bolo on his right hand was dripping with blood as three other zombies walked towards him. It didn't matter, they were slow moving.

He spun around, slashing the first zombie clean through its neck. He threw the bolo towards the second one, the blade cleaving its head. Luke walked to the back of the adventure and unhooked his rebar. There would be no bullets wasted today. He swung the metal spear and bashed the zombie's cranium right inside it in one blow. Walking towards where the bolo had hit the zombie in the head, he grabbed the blade and ripped it out of the dead zombie's cranium. It was still so early in the morning, and he could still feel cool night air around him, the sun still behind the mountainous hill. Having made sure that the building he drove in was zombie free, he walked in.

Discarding his clothes, he took a shower. There had still been running water despite the fact that there was probably no one alive left to maintain it, so the showers had still worked. He was on a small random resort actually, one that was built beside the coastline. The lobby and the gates had been messed up and bloody, but the rooms seemed fairly untouched.

Luke looked at his arms. There were blisters on his palms and scratches on his arms. "Immune." He thought to himself. If he hadn't gotten that vaccine early on, who knows how early he would've turned?

He thought of Mrs. Rheena, and what kind of fear she must have felt from watching her secure home destroyed.

Death was a pretty scare concept, and Luke was not sure if he was ready to feel first-hand how that felt.

He looked at the bleeding scratch in his arm. And looked at the oncoming zombies. Grabbing his sword and his rebar spear, he walked on towards the

Perhaps he was ready to die.

Jay Arr woke up to Daryl's rough shaking.

"Hey wake up!" Daryl shook, "Luke's missing."

"Huh?" Jay Arr mumbled. "Just don't mind him. He's just venting."

"He took the car and went east!" Daryl shook harder. "We should go after him!"

Jay Arr sat up. Carlos and Jeb were already gearing up. He looked at them curiously. They were busily checking to see if the hastily sown on metal pieces had stuck through the heavy clothing. Donning their motorcycle helmets, Carlos lifted his visor and looked at Jay Arr.

"He went to clear the Baclayon wet market." He said.

"The Draugr hidey hole?" Jay Arr asked. He got up and readied himself. Klaudine and Trish gave him his armaments.

"Be careful out there" Klaudine said, wimpering. Jay Arr smiled and patted her on the head. He then proceeded to wear the armor

"Yeah. Spied him there last week."

"We should bring the guns."

"No." Jeb said. "Let's try to preserve ammo. Have these instead." Jeb grabbed the bolos and an fairly long machete and sheathed it on his back.

"Let's go." Carlos said. The three got in the Armored transport vehicle and followed after him.

The zombies ran on, massing by the tens. Luke was unfazed. In fact it was finally refreshing to see the damned monsters run for once. The draugrs approached him one by one. The first one he ran through with the sharpened rebar spear. Not missing a beat, he stepped forward and hacked at the neck on the second one. Barely dodging the third one's swipe, Luke jumped back and dislodged the spear from the first one and used it to bash the third incoming draugr's head in. The fourth jumped high in the air, pouncing at him. He was staked mouth first with the spear. It died without even reaching him.

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