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He sighed loudly. " How many centuries are you going to make us wait, love ?" The night sky looked like a big blank canvas filled with tiny dots decorating the sky to look beautiful to look at at.

He sat on a branch of a oak tree, his hair was blowing as the night breeze passing by making his body cooler. He looked up to the sky, smiled when he saw the moon shinning brightly. The memories of his love flashed before him.

The moonlight was on his love's face when he and his brothers first saw her. She was looking like a goddess. As if her existence itself was blessing. She was in the river giggling in the water. He and his brothers were passing that forest after their hunt.

They hold their pace when they heard a girl giggling. At the moment they saw her , all of them fall in love with her.

But something unfortunate happened and they lost her. They were waiting for her to return back to them. She promised them that she would return to them but she hadn't been keeping her promise.

They were losing hope that she would return to them.

" Yah! Come back. Hyung is looking for you " his brother called him through telepathy. He rolled his eyes and jump from the branch.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he ran with full speed to his home, located in the middled of a forest and beside a human village. The villagers always avoid going through the forest paths because of them. The villagers knew exactly why they should avoid going into the forest.

They were something the villagers shouldn't enrage.

26th September 2020

Melody // BTS X Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now