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Me an jack we're still cuddling when the sun came up. Jack was the first to wake up although he didn't move to much. To prevent from waking me up he looked around an then back me. He realized his hands were placed on my ass to keep me up. I wiggled around a little not realizing I was causing jack some awkward pleasure. Jack bit his lip not understanding we're this feeling was coming from. He let a quiet moan slip from his lips. "Jack?" I mumbled wiggling my hips as I looked at him. Jack let bit his lip "Y- yeah (Y/N)?" Jack said barley able to talk. He fixed his posture causing his hard member to hit my clit. I whimpered an started blushing. "O- omg! J-jack!" I said with a whimper I wiggled my way off jacks lap. He panted quickly "Jack I'm so sorry I didn't realize!" I said blushing bright red. "It's o-okey!" Jack said still panting heavily. "No Jack it's not I'm really sorry!" I said feeling guilty "Don't feel guilty (Y/N) I liked it." Jack said giving me a smirk that caused me to blush. Jack got up an went into the kitchen. "(Y/M)? Do you want a Twinkie?" Jack said calming as if nothing had happened! "Uh sure." I replied still shocked. Jack walked back to the library an handed me one. I took it out of package and began to eat the Twinkie. Jack did the same "I haven't had a Twinkie is so long." I giggled "I've never had a Twinkie this is my first time trying one!" Jack said smiling at me. "Jack ima go take a shower." I said walking out "Oh ok!" Jack said cheerfully. I made it to the bathroom an striped my clothes. I turned the water on an got into the shower lathering my body with soap. I washed off my body an let me hands wonder. My hands made it down their I was hesitant about touching my self. I decided not to an finished up in the shower. I wrapped the towel around me an walked to my room. Once I made it their I dried off an the though of master bating came back to my mind. I gave in an on to bed opening my computer. I looked up videos of other people an found one that entertained me. I turned the volume down an once again started exploring. I came to my folds an touched my clit softly I bit my lip. I started rubbing in a circle motion on my clit making me pant heavily. I stoped an got dressed leaving me horny. I left my room in some small short an a crop top. No one cares when I walk around like this. I saw jack sitting in the library reading some book I decided to join him. "Hey jack!" I said to him jack looked from his book to find me in front of him. "(Y/N) what are you doing?" Jack said confused tilting his head.  My hands trailed up in legs "Nothing.." I said innocently as I crawled up on the chair straddling his hips. "(Y/N) are we going to cuddle again?" Jack said furrowing his eyebrows "Something better.." I replied pressing my lips against his I blushed. Then I started to think what the hell was I doing. I pulled away "I- jack I don't know what got into me I-" I got cut off by jack kissing me his tongue begging for entry. I let him an our tongues went to war with each other. Jacks won surprisingly I let out a slight whimper the pulled away. "J-jack?" I said trying to catch my breath I look into jacks blue eyes as they filled with lust. "Yes. (Y/N)?" Jack said smirking I looked down at his clothed erection an back at him. I got off his lap an sat down on the floor looking up at him innocently. "Can I make you happy?" I looked at jack kinda embarrassed. Once I got consent I slowly took of his belt an unbuttoned his pants. Jack looked down at me kinda confused at what I was going to do. I moved his boxer revealing jacks member. It was a lot bigger than any guy I have ever been with. I put my hand around his member causing jack to shiver. I licked his head an smirked at his reaction. He let out a quiet moan I licked his head again an put his head in my mouth. "(Y/N)!" He groaned and I smiled with his member in my mouth. I slowly bobbed my head up an down making down make all kinds of sexual noises. After a few minutes of giving jack a blowjob he came in my mouth "O-oh my god! (Y/N) y-your very g-good at this. I took my mouth off his member an looked up at him an smiled his jiz still on my face. Jack put his member away an buckled his pants back up. I got up an licked off the jiz on my face an straddled jack. "We should do that more often. " Jack said looking at me I nodded an feel asleep on his chest.

Jack Kline x Female reader betWhere stories live. Discover now