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You woke up in your bed alone, surprisingly. After wiggling out of bed, you pulled on some skinny jeans you already had a black bralette under your shirt, so you just pulled over a crop top before running out of your room. "SAM! Pancakes, please!!" You yelled from the hall you heard Sam groan on his way to the kitchen. "Thank you!" you said, walking forward before a tall man with a trench coat appeared in front of you, "Ah!" You yelled, flapping your arms all over the place. "Hey, Cas!" Sam yelled while whisking the pancake batter, "What's with everyone you guys know so tall?" you questioned, walking back from Castiel. "Have you seen jack sam?" you asked him, walking to the kitchen. "Yeah, he went to the store with Dean," Sam said, flipping your pancakes on to a plate. "Oh, okay!"

You said, smiling, grabbing your plate of pancakes "I'm pretty sure dean needed a pack beer." Sam said, walking to the table to sit down. "Of course he did." you chuckled, taking a seat for your self. You took a bite out of your pancakes "I don't understand how you make these so good!" you told him with another mouthful of pancakes. Sam just shrugged and opened his computer "Find a case?" you asked Sam with your fork in your mouth "Possibly, there were two cows with liquified guts." Sam said, sipping his coffee. Before you could say anything, Castiel walked into the kitchen, taking a seat next to you across from Sam. You felt awkward mainly cuz you didn't even know the guy "Cas I have a hunt we could probably check out." Sam said, looking up at Castiel, "Alright." is all Castiel said before getting up sam following, "We'll be back in an hour or so." Sam said, leaving the bunker with Cas. "Ah great, I'm all alone now!" you groaned before getting up to go back to your room. You opened your door and plopped on to your bed, "ugh." you said, laying your head into a pillow. You didn't even realize you fell asleep until you heard the bunker door opening your eyes shot open as you ran to the door.

Dean and Jack had finally got back from the store. You couldn't help but smile when you saw jack coming inside. "Your back!" you squealed. "Yup! Weres Sam?" Dean asked, "Hunting with Cas." you said, leaning against the table. "Without me?" Dean said, surprised Jack put down the grocery bags he was holding an walked over to you, and smiled. "Ima go take a shower!" Dean yelled, walking towards the bathroom you looked at Jack smirking. You both made your way to your bedroom, practically sucking each other's face off. You pulled away for breath letting out a small whimper when Jack started kissing down your neck. When Jack pulled apart, you took the opportunity to push him down on the bed; you gently placed your hand on his member, waiting for a reaction. Jack bit down on his lip, but that was not what you wanted. You wanted him to beg. You pressed a little harder "(Y/M)..." Jack managed to get out.

"Hm?" you smirked, pretending you couldn't hear him. "P-please!" Jack whimpered. You got satisfaction, so you slowly began unbuttoning Jacks' pants. Once they were unzipped, you could see Jack's member wanting to be freed. You moved Jack's boxers, causing his erection to fling up. You looked back over to Jack, who was watching every move you did. Your fingers gently brushed over the head of his member, causing him to bite his lip. Without warning, your tongue dragged against the side of his member. Jack let out a quiet moan when your lips surrounded his member's head. You began bobbing your head up and down slowly until Jack took control he gently grabbed the back of your hair making you bob faster. By the sounds, Jack was making you were sure you were doing it right. A few minutes later white fluid was dripping from your mouth "We should probably get cleaned up before Dean gets out of the shower." Jack said rebuttoning his pants. "Fine." you wiped the fluid off your face. You and Jack left your room shortly before Dean got out of the shower.

So I should be wrting an essay about pennies but instead I wrote this.. soo hope you liked it :')

Jack Kline x Female reader betWhere stories live. Discover now