What Are You Doing Here?

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Y/n's POV:

The next day I woke up on my bed. Mattia was no where in sight.

I go to his room, and he wasn't there either.

I go downstairs and he wasn't there either.

I went to look for Alejandro, and Aliya, but they weren't in the house either.

I went to the kitchen, to see a note posted on the fridge.

Didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful.

Ale, Liya, and I went to the
Store to get some snacks for movie night.

Don't worry were bringing food home from
Love you -Mattia

Wow they couldn't wake me up, cause I looked peaceful.

I wanted to go and choose my snack for movie night to.

Well might as well use up the time.

I went the bathroom and took a shower.

I brushed my hair, and teeth, a chose something to wear.

I grabbed some grey sweatpants, and one of Mattia's hoodies.

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast, while watching some random movie.

I heard the door opening.

I looked at the door, but it wasn't mattia. In fact, it was Mattia's mom.

How the hell did she get in. Did she find where the spare key was.

"Um hello y/n is mattia here?"she questioned acting all innocent.

"No, and how did you find my house, and get in?"I yell moving slowly away from her.

"Well we don't talk about that. Now where is he?!?!"she said getting aggressive.

"I won't tell you!"I say running up to my room.

I close the door and lock it.

I look around for my phone, and finally realized it was downstairs on the kitchen counter.

Shit she might see the note.

"Y/n I know you are in your room!"she says in a psychotic tone.

I could sense her presents in front of my door.

How am I going to call for help now, if I don't have a phone with me.

I look at my window, and thought of an idea.

I look down at the ground. Eh shouldn't be a far drop.

I slowly climb out the window, trying to make as little noise as possible.

I could here his mom banging on the door, trying to break it down.

As I was climbing down I here the door break open.

I jump down, from my spot, and run.

I slowly walk into the house, and grab my phone and the note.

I know that you think I'm stupid for doing this, but if you really think about it, it's not a bad idea.

I quietly walk out, and ran away from the house.

I ran to the park, and sat down on the nearest bench.

I take my phone out, and quickly click on Mattia's name.

The phone starts ringing but no one answers.

"Shit!"I whisper to myself.

I try calling Aliya, and she doesn't answer either.

My last hope was Ale. If he doesn't answer then I don't know what to do.

I could call 911, but i don't think I should. I know it's the right thing, but just the thought of putting Mattia's mom in jail sounds terrible.

The phone rings a couple of times, then finally someone answers.

"Y/n what do you want?"he says in an irritated tone.

"Mattia's mom just broke into our house looking for Mattia's. She wanted to hurt him I think. She's after me ok.!"I yell with tears rolling down my face.

"Where are you?"he questions with concern.

"I'm at the _________________ park."I say.

"Ok just stay there were coming over!"he replies.

I end the call, and wait there.

Soon enough I see a car pull up.

"Hop in she's fucking after us;"he yells .

"How did she see you?"I question.

"Well we passed by the house and she was outside, so Mattia's dumbass decided to make fun of her. He rolled his window down and was like"ugly bitch"!"he says eyeing mattia.

Mattia rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around me asking if I was ok.

"Are you two dating?"Aliya asked smirking.

We nod our heads and continue to cuddle.

Ale looks back-


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