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Celeste worked day and night without stop, but there was no sign of discomfort in her actions. Having a conversation with her was actually really entertaining. Imagine a robot having a better personality than you.

Tony often caught himself looking at the brown haired girl as she did the chores around the house. He was fascinated with how swiftly she moved and how delicately she did certain tasks.

"Can I ask you something?" Celeste appeared in the doorframe of Tony's room. He nodded and made room for her to sit on his bed that was neatly made.

"How do you know when you're in love?" Celeste asked innocently while looking at Tony's expression which screamed confusion. She started to laugh at the human and shook her head.

"I mean I hear humans talk about all the time "I love him" or "I love her" like how would you know that?" Even though it could seem like an easy question to some. Tony couldn't really give her answer because he didn't know either, he knew that one day he'll find that feeling. Now just wouldn't be that time.

"Honestly I don't think I could answer that," Tony confessed. "Ask me in 50 years." He joked. Celeste giggled while hitting Tony's arm lightly.

"Well Tony, I hope I'm there to see it." She smiled.

It was so easy for them to have a casual conversation like this as if it was just two normal people being friends. Tony told Celeste she didn't have to refer to him as "sir" because to him she was more than just a robot. She was someone he could trust and talk to.

Tony and his parents decided to go out to dinner later that day. They flew in a aircraft that resembled a spaceship to arrive at their location. Looking over the city and the people walking through the streets. Everyone was never caught up in other people's business just their own.

The spaceship slowly glided down to where the restaurant was. There was an elegant feeling to the atmosphere and that's what people loved about this place.

A robot addressed them and asked for what they wanted. Each person giving a different answer to what they wanted.

Tony and his parents conversed over dinner about many different things. Celeste mainly being the topic overall. All mom and dad could talk about was how she was money well spent. Tony was starting to get irritated and tried his best to not let it show.

The day came to an end as the flew back home, to a nice cleaned home to be exact. Cella's usual Celeste was still cleaning every nook and cranny to be found when the house was basically sparkling at this point.

"Thank you Celeste." Mom appreciated the cleanest of the house.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Baker." Celeste smiled at the family who were walking towards her. Tony gave her a big thumbs up making her giggle at the silly movement.

"Well we're off to bed." Dad announced to Tony and Celeste. They nodded and watched the two adults go upstairs. Leaving the teens alone.

"You know you can stop right?" Tony looked over at Celeste who was still wiping the walls with a rag drenched in cleaning spray.

"I'm not able to." Celeste shrugged off the comment.

Tony walked over to Celeste showing a frown. "You really don't have to keep doing that." Tony placed his hand on her shoulder before he could say anything or react a flash of white cake over his vision.

Everything was going to change.

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