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The two teens walked through the forest for hours and eventually they made it to a road. The further they walked the more distant the forest became and now it was setting in they were really alone.

Tony kept his thoughts to himself, at first he thought it was just a strange dream was going on for a little to long. Now the feeling of excitement was fading more into fear. He never thought everything and everyone he cared for would be gone in an instant. His heart started to ache at the reality of the situation, the sad thing is he didn't even know how he could avoid something like this.

Celeste could feel Tony's attitude change throughout the day. At first they talked nonstop then slowly he became quite and now he didn't even try to start a conversation anymore. She understood if he was mad at her that she'll let him be. There was no need in trying to cheer him up when clearly his whole world was turned upside down. She might be a robot, but at least she could understand that.

On both sides of the road was sand basically claiming they were in a desert. The sun had gone down awhile ago leaving the moon to shine down upon them.

"Jeez my feet hurt." Tony suddenly spoke while scrunching up his face. Celeste looked over at the limping boy and shook her head.

"Why didn't you ask me to carry you?" Celeste asked with an amused smirk seeing the boy look at her with angry eyes.

"You can do that? Why didn't you say that?" Tony asked with anger in his tone. Celeste shrugged at the question.

"You never asked." She smiled at the boy. She was basic chipper this entire walk since her feet will never get tired.

"Well...can you?" Tony mumbled a little embarrassed.

"Can't I what?" Celeste wiggled her eyebrows at the blushing boy who was already embarrassed by asking.

"Carry me." He huffed annoyed at her smiling face. She nodded and he made his way behind her and jumped on her back. She held on tight to his legs and she smiled to herself.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Tony warned her and she let out a chuckle.

"Your secrets safe with me, princess." She joked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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