The Beginning of the End

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"I know your secret."

For a renegade shape shifter, those words meant the end of everything. Correction. Assumed shape-shifter. Assumed others.  Actually, Shy didn't know exactly what she was, only that when night fell and the moon came out, she suddenly transformed into a creature of the night, able to turn into a panther at will.

Keeping cool, Shy leaned against her locker and faced the person who said this, keeping her emerald eyes glued to his face. "And that is?" She said, struggling to keep an even tone to her voice.

The guy mirrored her posture, leaning against another locker in a way that made Shy want to shake him. Strange. Shy normally doesn't get violent impulses, in fact, she normally acted so quiet and peaceful her friends and teachers have all nicknamed her 'Shy', despite her real name, Cheyenne Evergleen. But when she transformed at night, she went by the name of 'Shay'. Shay. A deep rumble in the throat with lips shaping themselves around the syllable. It was perfect for her.

"You're not as innocent and sweet as you seem," The guy said, lifting his face to gaze straight into her eyes.

Shy's whole world stopped. Or it felt like it. Time was hung suspended in the air, the business of the highschool hallway pausing for a brief moment.

His eyes were gold. Not amber-gold, but a golden color that reminded Shy of sunlight and flowers, a color so bright and open that Shy felt like she should be able to see into his soul. But there was more to his gaze than his eyes. They seemed so knowing, as if he had traveled around the world and seen so many things, some amazing, some so terrible that Shy felt like she was better off never knowing, never getting close. But she wanted to. Oh. She wanted to so badly.

Stop. Shy paused her thoughts. Can't risk it. Think logically. Never can afford the risk.

The guy jerked back, as if struck by an electric current. That broke the connection Shy had felt, but left her mind in shimmering golden haze. A haze that was sweet bliss. It took a minute for her to realize what he had said.

"What do you mean I'm not as 'innocent' and 'sweet' as I seem?" Shy said, a touch of anger coating her voice.

"Exactly that," The guy said, careful not to meet her gaze again. "I saw you at the party last night. I've never seen you before, so I tried to see who you were so I could perhaps see you again. But all you did was laugh in my face and run away, so I swore to myself to find out who you were, because you made me just a 'little' angry,"

"A 'little', huh?" Shy said, smirking. "I bet you aren't used to girls laughing at you and running away," Oh crap, Shy thought, did I just compliment him? Or could that be interested as an insult? I don't know I don't know I don't know...

The guy just grinned at her. "I don't believe I've caught your name yet, now have I?"

Shy answered warily, "Cheyenne Evergleen. But I go by Shy…" Or Shay. Her voice trailed off. She didn't know how to handle this. If this guy saw her at another party and called her 'Shy', then everyone would know who she was, and she wouldn't be able to keep up her double life anymore. But if someone caught him calling her Shay, they might put it together and figure her out. Either way, her nightlife would be ruined. Best not to give him both names and risk hoping he only knows one of them. "And what's your name?" She asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," the guy said, smiling, and then melting into the crowd of students passing through the hallway. Time was ticking again. Shy restrained the urge to punch something and unlocked her locker, seething. Stupid guy, with his stupid laughing golden eyes and tousled black hair. I'll get back at him for this, I swear, she thought, and slammed her locker.

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