Emotion in Motion

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Michael was exhausted.

He dragged himself out of his bed, got ready to go the stupid school that Shy seemed to love so much and made his way downstairs, only to find his parents making themselves at home.

"What are you still doing here?" He hurled the words at them like an accusation, narrowing his eyes. They were only supposed to be at his house for a few hours, to check on him and the mission, and then fly back to New York.

"Well, honey," His mother said, casually laying on the couch with one long leg off of it, a hand covering her eyes. "Your father and I decided we were simply too exhausted to fly back this morning. We figure it'd be okay to stay here, after all we did give you this house."

His father was busy banging pots in the kitchen until he shouted "Breakfast!"

Michael muttered a quick, 'no thanks' and started to walk out the door. "Wait." His mother called out, her melodic voice cheerful, but laced with hidden plans. "We would like to meet Shy tonight, to see her for ourselves. Would you mind bringing her here sometime today? I'm ever so curious to meet her."

He froze. "I-I'm not sure I'll be able to get her to come over." He mumbled. "What's that?" His mother asked. "You really mustn't mumble my dear. And we expect to see her tonight if not sooner."

Michael gulped. The last time he disobeyed her, well, let's just say multiple things got tossed across a room. Including his prized(back then) laptop. As Lady to a great Lord in the shapeshifter world, she expected things to be her way, or the highway.

The only trouble was Shy was the same way. Stubborn as a rock. Michael knew this from the reconnaissance missions he had to do on her. Ever since his dad had gotten intel on her whereabouts about six months ago, Michael has been on on-again, off-again missions involving her.

The walk to school was short, and Michael hurried to find Shy before the bell rang for the being of class. She usually got there about five minutes early(perfectly in the middle between late and insanely early).

"Nice seeing you again." Michael said, perching against her locker, purposely blocking her way. He loved catching her in the hallway. Everyone else was far too concerned about themselves getting to class on time to worry about Shy being bothered. She glared at him, with those perfect sea-green eyes that sucked him in every single time he looked at her. It only took a few seconds of staring and...

He shook his head. It wasn't the time or the place to get lost in her eyes. Maybe later. Sometime in the future. If they even had a future together. Which might not happen if Shy was truly a weapon of the coming apocalypse.

He cleared his throat. "Look, I-," He paused, took a deep breath, and spilled out the rest of his words in a huge gush. "I'msorryforhowIacted, canwegoonadate?"

Shy looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I have no idea what you're saying," She said, and reached for locker. He carefully blocked her way, making sure not to touch her.

"I'm sorry for how I acted." He said, slower this time and looking at the floor.

"Okay," Shy said, momentarily glaring at him. Apology not accepted then, he thought.

"And...are you free after school?"

She took a step back, put her hands up, as if to block him. "Woah, what? You think you can just ask me on a date, like that, out of the blue?" She took a deep breath.

"Actually, I obviously do think I can ask you on a date, because I just did. Let's pretend nothing has happened, and you've just been asked out by a sweet, charming..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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