Sunshine Sparkles

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Shy woke up the next day with a pounding headache. For a blinding minute she couldn't remember what happened, her heartbeat pounding behind her eyelids, but she knew she hadn't gone to a party. She remembered climbing outside her window, and then…golden eyes! That's right!

She remembered now. She thought, with a shudder, the moment when she held a knife to his throat and felt a thrill of pleasure in having such control…Shy could feel her body changing as she thought about it. Morphing and fading.

Shy frantically tried to regain control and just barely succeeded. Maybe he was right after all, maybe she was a predator... With such driving hunger.

A predator that had to go to school eventually.

As with every small school, everyone always knew when there was a new kid around.

"I heard that he came from New York City. Imagine that. New York City," said a blonde, talking to a friend, her face animated and excited.

"He is so hot," said another girl, farther down the hallway.

"I noticed he was listening to the latest and hottest punk band, The Short Stick, on his iPod this morning," said a girl with purple and hot pink streaks in her blonde hair, casually leaning against a locker while talking to her boyfriend. Myrtle Greene and Thomas Alrich. Myrtle was the most outgoing girl Shy had ever met, and the closest thing she had to a friend in this small place. Shy ducked her face behind her long hair and walked quickly pasted her as she resisted the urge to twitch her ears.

This new kid sounded pretty cool, in fact, way out of her league. Probably twice as outgoing as Myrtle. She opened her locker to grab a book for her history class, and nearly jumped out of her skin when a voice whispered in her ear. "Hey."

She spun around, gripping her book, eyes wide. When she saw who it was, her eyes got wider. It was him. The golden-eyed shape shifter who wasn't supposed to exist, and knew her secret.

"Look," He said, holding out his hand, "I'm afraid we haven't gotten off to a very good start," Shy snorted at that, but he continued, "With me sneaking into your school and...kidnapping you and such at home, but I'm willing to propose a truce. No more trying to kill me, and I won't mess things up again. Agreed?"

Shy hesitantly held out a hand. "Agreed," She said, and made a mistake. She looked into his eyes as she shook his hand, and felt the world explode into light. Not the aching pounding headache kind, but a soothing light that sparkled.

No! She shouted in her mind, but couldn't resist the light that was coming out of his eyes and drawing her into his mind.  Strangely, she could feel something similar was happening to him.

They both stared at each other, eyes wide, as the world disappeared. I know you, she thought, and promptly squashed the thought. No. There was no way she was attracted to a boy who had tried multiple times to disrupt her careful life. Well, only once on purpose. Not only that, but this kind of thing wasn't allowed to happen. She couldn't let someone else she…liked extremely much so ever hurt her again.

"Stop it." She said, her voice near hysterical. "I don't know what you're doing, but just stop it, okay? I don't need any more trouble." she turned around and slammed her locker. "You better leave, just go away and don't come back." She rested her head on her locker.

"I-I can't exactly do that," He said, his voice sounding slightly choked up.

"Besides," He muttered as he walked away, "I share my next class with you."

He was a heartbreaker, she thought fiercely to herself in her next class. Nothing but trouble. For some reason, she couldn't convince herself to believe it. Even though he was sitting right in front of her and had girls fawning over him left and right. Even the Myrtle from earlier was fawning over him, although no for the same reason the others were. No, she was just glad to have someone who was interested in the same kind of music as that she was. Poor Myrtle. Not even her boyfriend shared her taste in music, him being an overachiever and involved in the school orchestra and all. Honestly Shy couldn't figure out what they had in common.

"So I was thinking." The punk girl whispered as the teacher played a movie on the overhead, contrasting the scene playing out below it. It was some historical film that no one was paying attention to. "About starting a band here. The problem is, this is a sleepy old town, and there's really no one who knows how to play bass here. Care to join? We might be able to spice up this place." Myrtle whispered to him. Shy kept herself carefully tensed up on the opposite side of her, making sure not to look like she was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Michael London!" the teacher said fiercely from his desk. "I know it's your first day here and all, but please refrain from talking in my class."

So that was his name. Oh all the interations they have had, how had she never asked for it? Shy mentally filed this away in her mind as she continued to (not) eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Sounds fun." He said, his tone perking up a bit. All throughout class he had been sulking, not enough for everyone to leave him alone though. It was a little frustrating.

Shy gnashed her teeth as a perky blonde from earlier joined the conversation, asking him about New York. Shy couldn't quite place her name...

"So are you really from New York?" The little blonde asked.

"Well, I grew up there. I was born in England," He said, leaning back in his chair, soaking up the attention, shaking off his sulkiness. Shy felt like pushing him out of the chair and stabbing him with her pencil. Stupid cocky jerk.

Shy spent the rest of the day in her own version of hell. Everywhere she went, he was there, catching her eye like an annoying glare. He shared so many of her classes she thought it was downright creepy, and always sat somewhere near her. She was vastly relieved with the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day.

She was ready to party.

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