Leaves Fall

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Shy could be described as quiet. She could be described as boring, or nerdy, with her head always buried in a book. But when the moon came out, she turned. Her midnight black hair transformed to black, velvety fur and her green eyes turned inhuman.

She held back a laugh as she closed her book and set it by her bed. She then laid down, tilted her head back, and closed her eyes

When she woke, her eyes were a glowing green and she had a different name. 'Course, it fit. As a panther, Shy was no longer a puny human. She was a predator with power coursing through her veins. So it suited her to have a different name, to play a different game.

Shay paced her room on all fours,eyeing everything. It looked so different from this angle, and smelled different too. She was aware of the tiniest scents, the faintest sound. In fact, that was why her room was so clean. If she let it become a dump, the scents would overwhelm her, and if roaches and rats got in…

She shuddered at the thought.

Shay made her way over to the window, and jumped up and over it, landing on a tree branch located right outside. Glancing around, she mentally sighed with relief when there wasn't a pair of golden eyes in sight.

Her mind flickered ahead, planning out what she would do tonight. Would she go to some party and be in the spotlight? Or would she stalk the streets, playing cat and mouse with some unlikely animal? Or... A glimmer of an idea came. She swished her tail and jumped off the tree, landing to the ground quietly, glad there were no neighbors near in her reclusive street. Nearest one was at least 100 yards west, second nearest was 120 yards east. Plenty of space for a panther.

She hesitantly sniffed the air, looking for a trace of her scent from the night before. Moving her head back and forth, she roamed around the tree until she felt her scent. Mixed in with it was the scent of Michael, a rich smell of sunlight and wintergreen forest, with traces of peppermint. She couldn't move. Shay closed her eyes.

And then snapped back to attention. Now was not the time. She couldn't afford to find herself drawn to a guy who smelled like sunlight. Snapping her tail, she started following the trail, keeping her eyes and ears open.


Shay didn't expect to find a trio of shapeshifters in his home.

That's where he had taken her. His home. Shay felt...strange. As if he had shown some part of himself in taking her there. She had turned from panther to human, and was now hiding in some bushes beside a window. Her ears kept trying to twitch, as if she was still panther. Habits die hard. She strained to hear what was happening inside his home, which was oddly not fully furnished. Empty eggshell-white walls, beige furniture...it was like half a person lived there.

Micheal was sitting on a couch, facing the three strangers with his black rumpled, as if they had woken him up from sleep. Shay thought he looked adorable and shook the thought away. No time for that now. She crouched and tried to figure out what was going on.

One of the shapeshifter's looked older than the others and oddly familiar. He had the same shaggy black hair as Michael had, but when he turned to glance out the window, his eyes were amber, but shaped just like Michael's, and his fine features were similar too. That must be his dad, she thought. He smelled...odd. It was a sickly sweet smell like a winter forest gone bad, piled with rotten leaves, that hung in the air, obvious even to her dull human senses(although truth to be told, Shay's human senses have become even sharper since that awful night she transformed).

The shapeshifter standing next to Michael's dad had long red hair that reached down to her waist, and glowing golden eyes. She was saying something, but Shay was so distracted by her eyes (the same shade as his) she couldn't focus. Giving herself a shake, she willed herself to focus on the words coming out of her mouth, to strain to hear.

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