The Golden Soldiers

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"Erik! Help... me...!"

My head began to hurt. Little glimpses of weird things began forming in my head: me reaching my hand out to someone as they slowly turned to gold; them yelling my name as I tried to reach them. I could almost remember something, but it was just out of reach, and straining to remember it hurt my head.

Sylvando doing that must of triggered something from my forgotten memories...

I faintly heard Jade say, "I take it this is a case of Gold Fever? It's... horrible..."

The pain in my head grew worse as I tried to remember the entire memory. I grabbed my head and fell to my knees, groaning in pain. I think I might have screamed, but my ears were ringing so badly, I couldn't tell. I barely registered Slyvando kneeling down next to me and asking worriedly, "Erik honey, are you okay!? Tell me where it hurts!"

I sat there, staring at the floor for a moment as the pain began to subside. A new voice above us suddenly said, "...Erik?"

I couldn't deal with this right now. I bowed my head, squeezed my eyes shut, and forced myself not to tear up. I wanted to be alone. I needed to be alone. I needed to remember that memory. It seemed too important to forget about it just like that.

"I heard a commotion and came running— I never thought that I would find you here..." the voice continued.

"Do you know our friend, Father?" Rab said. "He's an old pal of ours, but we lost him after the Fall. I fear he's taken a blow to the head somewhere along the way— he doesn't remember a thing about his life before then..."

So it was a priest. A priest who obviously knew me, too.

"Oh, my poor child... " he said. "Perhaps I can help to jog your friend's memory. Come to the church by the city gates, and I will tell you what I know of his past."

I heard his footsteps getting fainter and I opened my eyes and glanced up, seeing him walking away. Sylvando was still next to me, and I finally noticed that he was rubbing my back, trying to comfort me. 

(Adding in another little part of my own right here :D)

"I'm fine," I muttered, forcing myself to my feet as everyone backed up a little to give me some space. 

Once they saw that I could stand on my own, they all began walking towards the priest's building at the front of town. 

Everyone except the Luminary, that it.

I was a bit dizzy and my head still hurt a little bit, but I managed to stay upright and take a small step forwards. My leg would've crumpled under my weight, though, if the Luminary wasn't there to catch me.

"You alright?" he asked quietly, hoisting me back on my own two feet, then letting go so I could stand on my own. His hand lingered on mine for a moment longer than usual, but then he quickly removed it and cleared his throat. 

"Yeah, I said I'm fine," I said, a little harsher than I meant to. 

He just scoffed and rolled his eyes, a tiny little smile lighting up his face. I don't know what was so funny about what I said, but it seemed to amuse him nevertheless.

I managed to walk by myself all the way to the priest's church at the front of the town with the Luminary by my side. I didn't really feel like talking to him. Or anyone, for that matter. I just wanted to be left alone for a while to gather my thoughts.

When we walked inside, the priest was waiting for us. He looked at the Luminary first, then at me. 

"Ah, there you are," he said. "I am glad to see you safe and well, Erik. It has been five long years since last we met."

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