Chapter Two - Classroom

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Authors note 💕
Listen to the song linked and watch the video too, they're both awesome!

⚠️Trigger Warnings: Homophobia and Transphobia, mention of self harm, swearing.

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Denki's heart stopped when he heard the voice behind the door.

It was Monoma.

"I have something to tell you about one of your classmates." Denki could hear Bakugou reply.

"Why the fuck should we trust you, bastard?" Denki's hope was slightly restored but only for a second.

"Oh I think you'll be interested. It's about that knock off pikachu, Kaminari." The entire classroom fell silent, so only the gasps of shock could be heard.

Finally, Shinsou's voice could be heard and at that, Denki's heart broke. One secret Denki feared getting out was his crush on Shinsou. And now Shinsou was going to find out his darkest secret; if Denki stood any chance of being with Shinsou before, he knew he didn't now.

"What about Denki?" Monoma's mouth grew into a smirk.

"Oh not much just he's a tr*nny and probably a f*g."

enki took his ear away from the door and sat in the corridor. If his frie- classmates were going to react how he imagined, he didn't want to hear it.

Denki only heard snippets of the next conversation, but he heard enough.

"A tr*nny and a f*g? I can't believe-"

"I should have known-"

"So he's a she?"

"Kaminari needs-"

"-to DIE!"

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Well what did you think? Its two in the morning so I apologise for any errors. Feel free to point out any grammatical mistakes as I haven't proof-read this. I'll update the next chapter as soon as possible. Stay safe kiddos! :)

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