The Mission

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N(Nickole), X(Xros/X!Chara) G(Gaster), GF(Guardian of Feelings), M(Marie), C(Chara), F(Frisk)

(warning: this might probably be one of the longest, 'dramatic' chapters in the story, so sit down, and enjoy)


"Nickole," "Xros," "Wake up..." familiar voices called out as the mentioned voices are waking up

The two teens opened their eyes to see if they aren't mistaken at what they heard, waking up in a peach golden abyss

"Mistress! Guys!" Xros said surprisingly

"You're Alright!" Nickole added tears about to fall from her cheeks.

Both teens are filled with Joy, but suddenly dropped when they saw a familiar figure who threatened to Kill them beside their Friends, Gaster.

The Mother of Feelings noticed and tells them that This Gaster is the True Lord of  Creation and Destruction. The two felt relieved. Many Explanations Later, the 'Lord of Order' spoke

"Listen, Young Guardians of Harmony, you must find someone with a corrupted soul, and share your remaining piece of Life with them," Gaster stated

"Corrupted? Why?" the teens asked in unison, confused

"For you and your half to live longer and be the ones to protect the Magic Artifacts of the Four Elemental Souls in the Mystic Castle" Replied the Mother of Feelings

"But... How?? I thought we're... dead..." Xros Asked

"No. Your Control of the Elements of Harmony makes you have strong control of magic to go on as ghosts back to the Multiverse. Sadly, unlike your friends" Gaster answered, looking back at the other teens of harmony with pity.

Xros and Nickole felt bad after Gaster saying the last part. That only means they won't be able to complete this mission with their other friends. But even so, they know they must do this.

"Then... How are we going to go back? Where will we find those souls? We're only Ghosts at the moment... We don't know where to start..." Nickole Asked

"Worry not, I have a friend of mine who can help, we'll try to bring you to her." The Mother of Feelings answered

"Huh. Well, looks like that's everything... Thank you guardians" Nickole said, thanking the 1st Guardians, the guardians smiled back

"Alright! Time to find some corrupted souls!" Xros enthusiastically said, walking to a random direction, away from where everyone else was

G: One-moment young man. Let Me explain your Mission clear. (grabs Xros with one of his floating hands and brought him back)

X: gah!!??

N: *chuckles at Xros before looking back at Gaster*???

QUEST FOR THE MYSTIC CASTLE (A SANSCEST MULTISHIP)(on Hiatus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon