You Fade Away

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Warning, reference to straight smut, I cant write straight smut. I mean i physically can, it just hurts to write man-

When the train stopped, Draco hopped up off the floor and got out of the bathroom.

Someone pushed him over so he fell and hit his head on the wall. Everything went blurry for second but then he could see something in front of his face.

A hand.

Draco hesitated before he slowly took the hand. Whomever this was pulled him up and that's when Draco's vision cleared. 

When he saw who it was, he froze up. 

"Are you alright?" Harry asks and Draco gives a nod, letting go of the Gryffindor's hand.

"M'fine" Draco mumbles, rubbing the back of his head, as he quickly moved off the train, leaving a confused looking Harry behind.

When seated in the Great Hall, McGonagall started to give a speech. Draco wasn't listening thought he did catch one part of it. 

"... Sharing dorms this year to improve house unity.." He heard vaguely, causing his breath to hitch. 

They had to share dorms. His breathing rate quickened and he stood up quickly. It didnt matter; he'd just wander halls until everyone else finished. Then he could follow them to the dorm. Plus, he'd be lying if he had said he was going to try to eat.

And its not like anyone cared anyways. 

Walking out, Draco watched his feet with each step he took. He didnt care much for watching where he was going. 


Harry watched as the blonde walked out. He hadn't even touched his food!

Harry stood up, only to sit back down when he met Ginny's confused stare.

After Harry ate, he and his friends walked to the eighth year common room.

"Harry~" Ginny cooed and Harry looked at her, smiling slightly.

"What is it, Gin?"

"Do you think maybe I could..." She traced her finger on his chest. "Join you in bed tonight?" She smirked slightly.

With a slight blush, Harry nodded after a moment's of hesitation. "Of course, babe."

Ginny smiled and nodded, practically skipping back to the seventh year Gryffindor common room.

Harry continued to walk, until he bumped into someone. They both stumbled, but neither fell. Fixing his glasses, Harry immediately found out, it was Draco Malfoy he had bumped into.

"Oh, sorry Malfoy." Harry said and Draco just gave a nod.

"It's alright.. do you know how to get into the dorms?" Draco asked quietly, and Harry smiled softly at him. He nodded.

"Yeah I do. " And with that, he led the blonde to the dorm rooms.

"Thanks..." Draco mumbled as he read something on the announcement board. "It's just split by sex?"

Harry gave a nod. "Yeah, McGonagall said it in her speech-" he immediately stopped when he realized the Malfoy hadn't been there for that part of the speech.

Draco either ignored him, or didn't hear him as he walked to the boys dorm and chose a bed.

Placing his trunk atop of it, someone suddenly shoved it off.

"This is my bed, Death Eater." Draco flinched back as he looked up and into the eyes of Ernie MacMillan.

The blonde gave a silent nod and pulled his trunk to another bed, the farthest away.

But Harry didn't like this sight. It was terrible; the war was over! Why wouldn't people accept that?!

So, naturally, Harry chose the bed closest to Draco.

Nighttime had come soon, and the eighth year boys all went to bed. All except one.

Beginning of slight reference to str8 smut. Proceed to timeskip if you dont want to read the vaguest thing youve ever read. 

Harry Potter stayed up, his curtains drawn as he waited for his girlfriend. He had been idly touching himself through his trousers, trying to get hard for her. Eventually it worked and he groaned in pain, wondering when the girl was coming.

Almost as if summoned, the redhaired girl emerged and climbed into bed in front of him. She stared at his growing bulge, mouth watering, until she couldn't stand it anymore.

Harry quickly cast silencing charms and Ginny pounced on him, pressing her lips to his in a desperate and needy way. 

Distracted by the kiss, Harry didn't realize Ginny had unzipped his trousers and was now moving her face towards it. 

Time skip brought to you by my awkward gay ass

Draco was curled into himself, sobbing quietly from the night terror he had just experienced. 

I̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶H̶a̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶W̶e̶a̶s̶e̶l̶e̶t̶t̶e̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶x̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶

(^ That was a joke-)

No, it was actually of his father again. He was telling him how pathetic he was, and how much of a blood traitor he was. He immediately covered his mouth to silence his sobs, when he noticed movement in the curtains of the bed next to him. 

Suddenly, a red haired girl popped her head out, her lips swollen and hickeys covering her neck. She looked smug and all her clothes were rumpled. Almost as if they had been thrown on in a haste. She waved her wand, muttering an incantation that Draco knew to be to take off silencing charms. 

Then it came to him. 

Honestly, he should be disgusted. Potter and the Weaselette were just shagging in the next bed over!

But he didn't feel disgusted. 

In fact. . . 

He felt jealous. 

Jealous of the Weaselette. 

Jealous, because he wished he could be in her position. 

Jealous, because he was in love with Harry Potter.

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