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Draco avoided Harry for a week. He knew that the other knew. And he couldn't live with that. It was terrible enough that his father knew.

Although... The whole school probably knew by now. Harry probably told everyone.

Lucius' reputation was ruined. The blonde boy knew he was going to get the worst punishment he had in years. Maybe ever.

He started skipping classes. He didn't go to meals. He didn't even sleep in their dorm anymore. For all his peers knew, he could've left the school. Or died. He didn't know which idea he preferred.

Now, he stayed in the room of requirements, moping. It hadn't been destroyed by the fiendfyre, surprisingly.

What if he didn't go home? Even better, what if he just ended it? Ended everything? Hell, everyone would be better this way.

Draco stood from the couch that was in his little haven. He walked into the bathroom and stared at a blade that lay on the counter. His shirt was forgotten on the floor, showcasing that his arms were even worse since last week. You couldn't even see the original pale color of his skin.

He picked up the blade and examined it. He placed the tip on his chest and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and-

The door opened. Footsteps were heard, causing Draco to drop the blade and gasp.

The footsteps stopped, and instead a voice spoke. A familiar one.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?"

Harry couldn't be here. No... Draco refused to believe it.

The blonde did the most sensible thing he could think of. He ran into a closet and locked it, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Hello?" Harry called out. "who's there?"

The Gryffindor walked through what seemed like an apartment. He had just asked the room of requirements for a quiet place to stay for a bit. And it gave him this.

Upon walking in, he had heard something drop, so someone must've already been here. That was a bit disappointing, since he had hoped for some alone time, but he also wanted to know who it was. Maybe it would be nice to talk to someone after all.

"Who's there?" The Gryffindor repeated as he walked around, searching for the sound of the noise. After receiving no response, he sighed. "I know someone's in here." He crossed his arms as he walked into the bathroom. Furrowing his brows, he bent over to pick up an object that had been left on the ground. It was a blade...

This must've been what had dropped.

The person must be near. 

He didn't call out for them this time, instead looking around. He walked towards the shower, pulling back the curtain, just hoping he wasn't about to meet a naked body. 

He was thankful when there was nothing there. 

Draco stepped back as far as could in the closet, pressing his back against the wall. However, during this action, he tripped over his own foot and fell down, a broom falling over as well and knocking him in the head. He rubbed his head from the impact, just holding onto the hope that maybe... just maybe it didn't make too loud of a noise. However, he was proven wrong when he heard footsteps approaching him.

Suddenly, the closet door opened. The light from outside displayed the Gryffindor boy who was standing in the doorway. 

"Malfoy?" Harry asked quietly, staring worriedly at the boy who was curled into the corner of the closet. 

The blonde boy curled himself up more, burying his face in his knees, wrapping his arms around his legs. He let out a silent sob. Harry felt a heart-wrenching sense of pity for him. He slowly sat down with his legs crossed, just outside of the closet. He wasn't going to get to close to him so he didn't make him uncomfortable. 


The Slytherin sniffed and glanced up, staring into Harry's eyes. Harry noted how he wasn't wearing a shirt...And there were... marks on his skin. Slashes. Oh Merlin... He couldn't be... Harry shook those thoughts away. He'd deal with that once he managed to calm the boy down. 

"Please go away." The whisper was so small and terrified that Harry was shocked it even came from Draco Malfoy. He almost didn't hear it from how quiet it was spoken. 

"I will. I swear, I will. Just... Let me stay for a little bit? I needed a break away from my friends. This is the place I usually come to when I need that." Harry said, trying to see if saying this would convince Draco to let him stay. 

The blonde gave a stiff nod before he buried his face in his knees for a bit. 

Harry was silent for a long moment before Draco was the one to finally speak up. "Can you please just get it over with...?" He whispered, sounding like he was about to break down. 

"Get what over with?" Asked Harry, who was genuinely confused. 

"Just... you know. Get it over with." Draco murmured. 

"But I don't know. What are you talking about?" 

"Just- Just beat me up already or something." The blonde whispered and it broke Harry's heart. 

"Oh Draco... Why would I beat you up?"

Draco sobbed. "The better question is wh-why wouldn't you? Y-You know I-I'm a- I'm a- I- I-" He couldn't finish his sentence and just started sobbing uncontrollably. 

"You're a what? Death Eater? The F slur?" 

Draco gave a stiff nod. 

"Well you're not. Either one. And I don't want to hear you calling yourself either one. You're a human being. You don't deserve to be beat up for something you didn't choose." 

Draco looked up to stare at him blankly. "But- I- I- I chose- I-" 

"You chose what?" Harry pried. 

"To be gay." Draco replied, sobbing again. "That's- That's what every-everyone says-!" 

"Fuck everyone else. Did you really choose to be gay?" Harry stared at him. 


"Did you or did you not choose to be gay?" Harry repeated. "Don't give me what would be MacMillan's answer or Smith's answer. Give me your answer. Did you choose to be gay?" 

"N-No..." He breathed in reply. 

"If you could choose, would you choose to be gay or straight?" 

"...Straight." Draco whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"So now tell me how it's fair for you to get beat up for something you didn't choose." 

"It isn't..." He whispered. 

"What? Can you repeat that a little louder?" 

"It isn't." Draco repeated in a somewhat louder tone, but it was still a mumble. 

"Again, Draco. I still can't hear you." 

"It isn't! It's not fair!" The blonde exclaimed. 

"Exactly. Now, tell me who convinced you that you deserve to be beat up for something you can't control?" 

Draco shook his head. "Pl-Plea-Please not right now..." 

Harry sighed and nodded. "Okay..." They sat in silence for a minute before Harry held his arms for a hug. 

Draco eyed him skeptically before he slowly moved forward. Slowly, he placed himself in the arms of Harry Potter and just sat there before slowly wrapping his arms around him. He was still crying, now sobbing into Harry's shoulder while the Gryffindor rubbed soothing circles on his bare back. 

"It's okay... I've got you... I support you." 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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