April 23rd 2020, 2:04am

225 79 10

Humanity sometimes makes me upset but also makes me weep. I have a deep passion for life and unification. When I see pain and death and destruction it hurts me deeply. But those moments I see love and care for other life besides your own, it makes me weep.

Lately I've seen how the world has been handling the corona virus, and to my surprise humanity has been more helpful and loving towards each kind instead of selfishness. Its refreshing to watch humanity show love and unite to a plan to protect each other. To see care for other kinds life. To stick together and to be humble and giving. To put the war and hate down and focus on living. Life is precious and its important to show gratitude before you die. Because death comes swiftly. And humanity will be judged by their actions here on earth.

But moments like this gives me hope, that maybe humanity is not so bad off. To see love and unification and care for another kind, to stick together and show support, it's a beautiful moment to watch. And I hope humanity has learned something from this, and hopefully I can see I different path from others who lived by hate and selfishness. That life is short, but the after life is eternal.

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