vampire nights

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I rise again in the night,
A world devoid of sunlight.
As the wolf howled to the moon
And men hid in their rooms.
I meet the dark in its peak,
I walk the streets in their sleep.

I thirst for the human connection,
Knowing it won't ever lead to satisfaction.
In the end, I'll walk this life alone,
Seeing them all reduced to bones.
A shadow lurking through centuries,
Never staying in anyone's memories.

Why don't you just let me bleed; 
Perhaps it would get me freed
Of the years of guilt i carried 
And the cries of those who perished.
Why don't you just let me burn;
Give me the death i've always yearned.

If not, I might just greet the dawn;
When the night's curtains are drawn,
Let the sun soak through my skin,
Scorching every bit of contained sin;
I'll be free of the curse in which i was bound,
Leaving only ashes on the ground.

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