the mermaid's song

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Does my voice sound 
Different in your ears?
Do you hear a melody,
Or just senseless gurgles?

I have sunk ships
In my angry fits
But never have a pirate
Able to steal my wits

Nor my heart
Been snared
By a careless tongue
And a fearless mind

But here he comes
Riding the waves
Of promised freedom
And poisoned hopes,

Dyeing my eyes
With gold-swathed stars
And staining my shores
With red-tinted suns.

If tears could
Turn into pearls
How come the ocean
Just swallows mine?

They turned 
My tail into legs
But not my scales
Into daggers;

No way to cut
His heart out
Nor have his eyes
Look my way.

Now, watch my life
Turn to foam.
Watch my love
Turn to sand.

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