the dead demon

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It lurks in every
Fragmented thought,
Stepping between
Lines pulled taut.
A shadow,
In agony, wrought,
Seemingly hidden,
Always an afterthought.

But when the night comes,
It laughs.
Like music spun
On phonographs;
Old and familiar,
A faded photograph,
Inducing sorrow
In every paragraph.

She let it
Embrace her,
Caress her head
With its cold dark fingers.
She knew
It was a monster
That her mind
Had begun to foster.

In lightning streaks,
A voice had thundered
Thrashing everything
Leaving her battered,
Frustrated, desperate
And angered.
A repeat of every night
Her mind have been plundered.

Exhaustion took her
Tired of all that she suffers
She took all the courage
She could muster.
She knew exactly
What happened after
She didn't hesitate,
She pulled the trigger.

She killed the demon
Inside her.

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