Connor Murphy Headcanons

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The edge lord himself, let's go!

— His full name is actually Connor Mike Murphy because Larry wanted him to be called Mike but then they decided it was gonna be his middle name.

—He seems edgy but he has hella colourful sweaters from his mom and Zoe

—He likes video games and his favorits are Detroit: Become Human and Pacify (That's a horror game)

—He has a playlist named 'songs to chill' and it contains the song 'Death bed' by Powfu, because he thinks it's relaxing

—Has heterochromia, left eye: chocolate brown and right eye: icey blue

— He had an undercut at some point

—Zoe braids his hair

—He owns a shit tone of clothes most of them he bought and then never even tried them on

—a flaming homosexual

—Most of the t-shirts he owns have some sort of depressing text on them

— He can tapp-dance

—He was in a middle school production of newsies and in one rehearsal for 'King of New York' his leg went through the chair and he was laughing at himself the entire time

— Zoe and him have a sibling weekend every so often where they just binge watch a bunch of movies and make/eat pizza together

— Him and Larry actually do stuff together every so often

—He is a professional nail painter or atleast has the skill of one


—Zoe thought him ukulele

—He loves reading and has read the Harry Potter books at LEAST 20 times in one week

—He's a musical nerd and his favorit is Newsies which caused him to be very excited when he was in it

—He's still in the theater group of his school and they're like his second family

—His acting is gnarly and so is his cooking

—He likes to draw and sketch

—He likes to draw with charcoal and pencil

—favorit season is fall cause he thinks it's the prettiest

—has hella allergies, a reason why he hates spring

—sometimes when the Murphys go to an event or something fancy he will braid Cynthia's hair

—He has stolen Zoe's nail polish at least a hundred times

—And maybe some hair ties and bobby pins

—He once had his hair cut so that it stopped at half of his neck but it kept him from tying it into a bun so it would fall in to his face the entire fucking time!

—swears 24/7

That's all I have for now! I will update it, when I get new headcanons. I also apolgize if there are any errors, but feel free to correct them! Stay tuned for the next chapter bye bye bunnies!!🖤🖤

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