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Yes, hello! I'm posting again, what wonder! I apologize for not posting. And don't come at me for it! Because one, I'm still in school and two, I've just been having writersblock.. But with all that aside, this chapter is dedicated to InnaTheArtist! She's a great friend and gave me the inspiration to do this so, thank you Inna! Go check her out, she writes stories and headcanons as well. Now, enjoy!

—I mentioned that they have a sibling weekend every so often in Connor's chapter, so here it is in a little more detail

—They'll eat tons of junk food and binge watch crappy netflix originals

—They'll braid each other's hair and paint the other's nails

—When they go to sleep it's fucking 6 a.m.


—They'll also play lots of games

—Pillow fight

—they basically just smack each other with a fucking pillow


—Zoe is a almost a year younger than Connor But she was born on the 3rd of october while Connor was born on halloween, so almost

—Same goes with hight! Zoe is a head shorter than Connor which makes her the second tallest of the Murphys

—Connor and Zoe used to love the zoo and when they went there they'd always watch the seal shows

—They once went to Disneyland

—They are the most chaotic duo ever, Cynthia sometimes wonders how she put up with them for so long

—Connor is the only one who knows about Zoe's mental health problems

((this next one is galaxy girls, cause I ship it. Please don't attack me of you don't ship them.))

—Zoe started dating Alana before Connor started dating Evan

—Zoe is a matchmaker! She will ship anyone, even Jared

—you can't escape her shipping obsession

—Connor and Zoe sometimes just comunicate through the magnets on their fridge

—Zoe can't cook but she can bake, while Connor can cook but can't bake

—They insult each other out of fun

—Connor steals her hair ties and Zoe steals his sweaters

—They take turns driving, but mostly just switch when the other one's too tired or too lazy

—They both enjoy musicals and P!ATD

—Zoe can fight and will beat someone's ass without hesitation

—Once her and Connor were hanging out in the parking lot of a 7/11 and a guy started harassing them, so Zoe kicked his ass and Connor just stood there like: Yup, that's my sister!

—He was so proud, he almost started crying

—Zoe teases him about everything

—If one of them is having a bad day, they'll usually go to the other and just hug them

—in most cases, it'll turn into a cuddle session

—They always argue over what the best food is

—They do dumb shit when they're alone, like slide down the stairs in a goddamn sleeping bag

—They did that once when they were 7 and Connor ended up with the back of his head ripped open

—Luckily it was only a cm and he was fine after words, though he had to get it stapled shut

—Zoe almost cracked her head open once when they were at a swimming pool

—She was 5 and was trying to get in but ended up slipping and hitting her head against the metal edge

—When they were kids, they loved to go out into the garden and find all sorts of bugs and animals

—They once even saved an injured bird and nursed it back to health, later, when it was okay again, setting it free

Wow, you've made it to the end of this chapter! I know that it's probably not much but my motivation and ideas have been quite low lately. Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter so now I present to you a picture that is quite funny but before I do that, some of these headcanons are actually inspiered by InnaTheArtist's book for her Zoe Murphy Headcanons so check that out!
Now enjoy this picture and, bye bye bunnies!!!

 Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter so now I present to you a picture that is quite funny but before I do that, some of these headcanons are actually inspiered by InnaTheArtist's book for her Zoe Murphy Headcanons so check that out!Now enjoy t...

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