DEH Characters As Things I've Thought

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Ok, basically DEH Characters as things I have either said, commented, heard, read or thought.

Connor, cutting strawberries: I'm cutting their heads open.

Zoe: I heard somewhere that, if you played with monster high dolls when you were little, you are most likely gay now. They weren't wrong.

Evan: I may be a hufflepuff, but I would kill you if needed.

Jared: Why is a drive through called drive through if you have to stop?

Alana: Why do my neighbours fight at like, 10pm, with their kids. Shouldn't they be sleeping or something?

Connor: If you get high in a basment, are you really high?

Alana: No matter if you scream or whisper, the volume of the voice in your head stays the same.

Zoe: My class is the same, even if we have online classes. They're still all dumbasses.

Evan, sees a trash can: Look! It's me!

Jared: Ok, that is gayer than me and that's saying something.

Alana: We can bite our fingers off like carrots, but our brain says no when we try.

Connor: I've been living off of coffee for days.

Jared: I solved a math problem nobody else could solve, but then I almost pocked myself in the eye.

Heidi, looks at Evan: I had a suspicion that you were bi. You always played with dolls and girl toys.

Cynthia: I don't hate you. I just can't deal with your bullshit right now.

Cynthia: I don't usally want to punch something, but now I wanna punch you in the face.

Larry, looks at Zoe and Connor who are doing some weird shit: Sometimes I wonder why they do this, but then I look back at what I used to do. What I'm saying is, I wasn't any better.

Evan, looking into space: I'm questioning my existance.

Evan: If I would get a dollar for everytime I hurt myself by accident, I would be rich by now.

Connor: Somebody said to me, people who wear hoodies all year are most likely self concious about their body. I've been expossed!

Connor: If I were a bird, I would shit on everything you own.

Evan: Sometimes I wish I was a puppy, maybe I wouldn't be so depressed then.

Zoe: My friend and I went to a play ground that had swings. I almost flew out of one even though I drank a whole can of red bull a half an hour befor.

Connor: My family is going insane and I'm scared sent help please!

Jared: Life sucks.

Yay! I'm back! So, I tried this thing because I think they're funny. If you want me to make a part 2 comment down below! Also, I tried way to hard to make that 420 words excluding this. I know 4/20 is long gone, but I couldn't make an update for it so. Take this instead! Now I hope you have a wonderful day and see ya!
Bye bye bunnies!!🖤

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