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After the death of prophet idris [a.s] the great grand father of prophet nuh [a.s], the muslims were left stranded. Since no other man from amongst them was chosen as a prophet, people began to look to the pious companions of idris for guidance. They respected and followed these righteous men and consulted them every time they were faced with a problem. Eventually as time passed by the pious men also has passed away leaving muslims again with no leader for guidance. They feared and worried that they would stray from the path of Allah.

Satan who watched on with shrewd eyes, appeared the wailing men and woman disguised as a man, whispered into their ears: " if we make statues of these righteous men, it will be more pleasing to us in our worship and remind us of them." The men agreed as they perceived no harm in erecting statues of their most pious men. that would surely help them remember Allah and encourage them to do good.

Satan has successfully planted his corrupted seed. He was patient for he knew that getting man to worship another was a slow process. when that generation has passed and new generation of people has forgotten the intention behind the erecting of statues , Satan whispered into the ears of men "your forefather used to worship these idols, these statues brought them goodness.

These idolatry took root in the heart of men.

They gave their idols names such as Waddan, Suwa'an, Yagutha, Ya'augah and Nasran. Originally these were the good people who had lived among them. Since they had no understanding of Allah the Almighty who would punish them for their evil deed they became cruel and immoral.

Ibn Abi Hatim related this story,"Waddan was a righteous man who was loved by his people. when he died, they withdrew to his grave in the land of Babylonia and were overwhelmed by sadness. When Iblis saw their sorrow caused by his death, he disguised himself in the form of a man saying: 'i have seen your sorrow because of this man's death; can i make a statue like him which could be put in your meeting place to make you remember him?' they said 'yes'.

So he made the statue like him, they put it in their meeting place in order to be reminded of him.when Iblis saw their interest in remembering him, he said 'can i build a statue of him in the house of each one of you so that he would be in everyone's house and you could remember him?'

they agreed. Their children learned and saw what they were doing . They also learned about their remembrance of him instead of Allah, so the first to be worshiped instead of Allah was Waddan, the idol which they named thus."

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