Chapter 3

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       Seth continued to call. Braelynne had been worried that his interest in her would wane once they had sex. Instead, his interest intensified. He called her every night, wanting her to come over to his house. If she wasn't able to come, he would pout and then quickly turn the conversation sexual. He became more aggressive with her, openly grabbing her butt or chest in public. After a few weeks of them having sex, he convinced her to allow him to stop wearing protection. He told her he had already been tested after his last girlfriend and was clean. He wasn't sleeping with anyone but her, so what was the point? Braelynne agreed reluctantly. She began tracking her cycles intently to make sure she wouldn't get pregnant. They were having sex several times a week now and Braelynne was almost relieved that Seth had stopped using protection. It was a lot more comfortable without it and Braelynne found herself enjoying their time together. The only problem was the frequency.

"Seth, stop." Braelynne slid his hand out from between her legs. She had just gotten into the car and he was already grabbing her. He seemed to want sex all the time. Every time she sat next to him, even at a restaurant, his hand went under her dress. And he didn't stop at her lower thigh either. She was uncomfortable with how openly sexual he was with her in public but he seemed to enjoy her discomfort. Sometimes she thought he touched her just to see her squirm. She started wearing shorts to try and get him to stop but he would just slide his hand between her legs. At first, it was a turn on. Now it was becoming an annoyance.

Seth looked at her. "What? I missed you." He slid his hand between her thighs again, this time more deliberately. He leaned over and started kissing her neck.

Braelynne shifted away in annoyance. They were still parked in front of her apartment, in broad daylight. Her neighbors were starting to return home from work. Seth looked like he was ready to have sex with her right then and there. He started pulling the front of her tank top down. Braelynne pushed his hand away. "You just saw me yesterday. And the day before that." she reminded him. "We used to be able to just spend time together. Now it's only sex, sex, sex. I need a break. At least wait until we are somewhere private instead of out in the open where my neighbors can see us."

Anger flashed across Seth's face. He moved his hands away and started the car. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I can get sex anytime I want. Do you know how many women throw themselves at me every day? All I would have to do is look at them and they would get in bed with me. You should be happy I'm getting sex from you and not from someone else."  He turned into the parking lot of the restaurant and slammed the car in park. He got out and instead of opening her door like he normally did, he turned away from her and strode into the restaurant.

Braelynne felt a wave of anger wash over her. She got out and slammed the door and strode in to meet him. He was still waiting for her in the front lobby, flirting with the hostess. She took them to their table and said, "Your server will be with you in a moment." Seth smiled and winked at her. "Sure thing, Babe. We'll just be here waiting." The hostess smiled and flushed before turning to leave. Braelynne just stared at Seth. Seth looked at her, his gaze challenging.

Their waitress was young and beautiful and only looked to be in her late teens. Seth gave her his most charming smile and the waitress flushed and smiled broadly. "Hi. My name is Jae-Anne. What can I can get you today?" Seth looked at her and winked. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe just your number." Braelynne felt her heart drop to her stomach. Jae-Anne turned pink and gave a little giggle. Seth continued. "You have a beautiful name. A name that's almost as beautiful as you are." He didn't wait for the waitress to respond before continuing smoothly. "We'll have a bottle of red wine and the clams. And I still want your number." He looked at the waitress and winked at her again. "Thanks, Sexy." Jae-Anne flushed deeper and inched closer to him so that her backside brushed against him when she turned to walk away. Braelynne was sure she had done it on purpose. She also noticed that Seth angled his hand so that he grazed the waitress's thigh when she turned. 

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