Chapter 8

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The door was locked. Braelynne went to unlock it, planning to head to the shower and start her day. Then she stopped. She thought about the fight she and Seth had the night before. How many fights had they had over the course of their marriage? How many times had Seth threatened her safety and treated her with utter disrespect? How many times had he flaunted other women in front of her? How long would this cycle of disrespect and abuse continue? For the rest of her life? She had thought her marriage was God's way of punishing her for disobeying him. Now she saw she was only punishing herself.

Braelynne looked at the locked door again. It seemed to be a metaphor for her marriage. Her marriage had been a prison, starving her of the love and affection she deserved. The abuse wasn't her fault. Braelynne knew that. But she had chosen to stay in this prison out of guilt and misguided loyalty. She thought being a Christian and following God meant that she needed to stay married. But God had never asked that of her. His design for marriage was never one of imprisonment. She deserved her freedom. Now Braelynne realized she had been holding the key all along. 

The Bible verse from the book of Joel popped into her mind. "I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten." God was waiting to bring her restoration. She only had to make the choice to step out in faith and walk into it. To follow God wherever his path may lead.

Suddenly love flooded over her. Deep, abiding, everlasting love. Braelynne realized how deeply loved she was by the One who made her. He did not want her to live her life in misery. She was loved and worthy of all life had to offer. God was holding out his hand to her, promising a life of joy and fulfillment. Would she take it?

Braelynne unlocked the door. After showering and getting dressed, she picked up her purse. Her last paycheck was still in there, along with the tip money from the past week of giving massages. Would it be enough to start her new life? She didn't even know where she was going to go or what she was going to do. She picked up a duffel bag and placed a week's worth of clothes inside as well as some of her most treasured personal possessions. With purse and duffel bag in hand, she went downstairs. She was about to walk out the door when she turned and slipped off her wedding ring, laying it gently on the dining room table. She left no note of goodbye. None would be needed. The ring would be clear enough.

Braelynne kept her engagement ring on. She drove to the pawnshop and sold it, walking out with $300. She went to the convenience store and cashed her paycheck, adding another $600. Along with her tip money, she had just over $1,000. But what was her next step? How was she going to begin her new life?

Braelynne called her sister who lived two hours away. Her sister picked up on the first ring. Braelynne started sobbing the moment she heard her sister's voice. "I'm leaving Seth. I just can't take it anymore. I can't be with someone who hates me so much, who is so cruel to me." She poured out the entire story to her sister. Her sister told her to come straight to her house. 

As she drove, Braelynne thought about what she was going to do. She dialed the number to her workplace and called in sick. This way they wouldn't call Seth looking for her and it would be hours, even days before he realized she had left him. That would give her some time to formulate a plan and possibly talk to a lawyer. 

Catriona opened the door for Braelynne the moment she arrived. She had her put her things in the guest room and then they went to the kitchen for a cup of tea. She offered her breakfast and Braelynne realized she hadn't eaten. Catriona had a plate of blueberry pancakes warm from the pan all waiting for her, Braelynne's favorite comfort food. They sat and talked as they ate.

"I just don't know what to do," Braelynne told her sister. "I only know that I can't continue to live like this. Seth doesn't love me and blatantly disrespects me but he's never pursued a divorce. He often made me feel like I can't divorce him. I know he likes having me taking care of the house, cooking him food when he decides to come home, and cleaning up after him. And I know he likes feeling like he has the freedom to date other women. I don't know how he will react once he realizes I've left him. Will he try to get me back? Will he just move on with Jae-Anne? I don't know." She looked at her sister helplessly.

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