Manjusakas Bloom on the Path of You and I

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When did I start to have feelings more then platonic ones for Eddy?

Probably that evening...when I was in the darkest pits of my life. It was Eddy who pulled me out.

My heart started beating a different rhythm since that night.


"Remember to like and subscribe! And practice!" Brett said before switching the camera off.

"Phew, it's been a long day of filming, eh?" Brett stretched as he packed the equipment away.

Eddy looked up from where he was tidying up, "Feel like going for bubble tea?"

"Bro we just drank it this morning! We're getting fat from all the tea we're drinking," laughed Brett.

Eddy chuckled as he walked towards Brett's kitchen, "True to that, I'll just go cook some healthy dinner then. Are the pots still where they usually are?" Followed by a bright smile as he turned his head back towards Brett.

Brett's eyes lingered on Eddy's face for a moment before he snapped back to reality. "Huh? Oh...yeah..." he mumbled, followed by a fit of coughing as he felt something itchy down his throat.

"Dude are you alright? Do you need some Chinese herbal medicine?" Eddy rushed over from the kitchen and started patting Brett's back.

Brett rolled his eyes, "Probably just hay fever. I'm going to the grocery shops - I just realized I ran out of coffee."

Brett's heart finally began to calm down as he was some distance from the house, where Eddy was. These feelings...I'm not supposed to feel this way towards a man...and even best friend...but why are they getting stronger each time I see him...why can't I stop them? Brett thought to himself in pain as he squatted on the pavement, his head buried in his hands.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Eddy.

Brett took a deep breath and picked up. "I think you ran out of milk too, get some of that while you're at the shops!" Eddy's deep voice resonated through Brett's ears, and Brett hung up the call before he bursted into another fit of coughing.

"Damn it, I should go to a doctor tomorrow," Brett muttered under his breath as he picked himself up and began to walk towards the grocery shop.


"I'm back!" Brett yelled as he locked the door with his spare hand, and gasped as he saw the sight in front of him, "Eddy...why are you shirtless?"

"I spilled water on my shirt, and it's summer anyways," Eddy smiled.

Brett looked at Eddy's abs, and felt another fit of coughs gather up in his throat.

"I need to use the bathroom," Brett choked as he began to cough again.

Eddy yelled, "Bro you need to see a doctor!"

Brett knelt over the toilet seat and saw what he had just coughed out. A petal.

A wave of devastation hit him...' can't be...hanahaki...' Brett whispered before he blacked out.

Manjusaka [Twoset BrettxEddy fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now