You Stepped on my Petals and Crushed my Heart

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"Mr Yang? Are you listening?"

"Oh...yes, sorry, doctor. May you please repeat what you just said again?"

"You have been diagnosed with the Hanahaki Disease. Here is an X-Ray of your lungs. It seems that manjusakas are growing inside your lungs, a rather rare flower for Hanahaki. There are two solutions for this currently. Either for your unrequited love to respond to your feelings, or to remove the flowers from your lungs via surgery."

"And if I choose surgery..."

"The love you feel for that person will be gone, and you will never be able to love that person again. It is advised that you do surgery as soon as possible, Mr Yang, before the flowers grow any further in your lungs."

"...How much time do I have left?"

"That depends on how quickly your condition worsens. If you meet and think about the person as little as possible, then approximately 3 months before the flowers fill up your lungs completely, aka stage 4 of Hanahaki."

"I am afraid that that will be...rather much time will I have left if I do meet and think about h...I mean the person frequently?"

"1 month, Mr Yang. Please do consider having surgery within the next week, for the risks and complications only get worse as your illness progresses."

"Thank you Doctor, but I'd like to...stay with that person for a little while more...while I still can...while my heart still beats for that person..."

"Mr Yang, I have seen way too many patients like you. They try to get their unrequited love to respond; they try to spend more time with them. But in the end, there's always no choice, but surgery...and I have seen...many of them...unable to leave the surgery room ever again. Please choose wisely while you still have time, Mr Yang."

"I...are there any medications that could help ease the pain and coughing?"

"...No, not at the moment, although scientists are working on it."

"I understand. Thank you, Doctor."

"Take care, Mr Yang. Please do not make any rash decisions that will worsen your condition."

Brett smiled weakly, and walked out of the doctor's office.

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