Notice Me? ~1~

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     "I love you Toya why can't you see that, why can't you be mine" Caleb words put Toya in a daze. "Caleb can't you see I loved you for so long" she replied. " Then be with me Toya, Toya, TOYA......" huh?!?!!? "I WILL" Toya screamed aloud during class. The whole classed laughed.

   "TOYA WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU THIS IS THE LAST TIME, DETENTION!!!" shouted Ms. Barns. "What, but I have a job interview this afternoon" she replied just to get a response as cold as "Does it look like I care, For talking back go to ISD  NOW." I looked around as I gathered my stuff. The whole class was seconds away from letting loose a laugh. I noticed Caleb from the corner of my eye trying to hold it together. I left as soon as I could, and headed straight for the bathroom.

      Tried to hold my own self together and didn't cry. I'm always doing something stupid of course he'll laugh, I'd laugh at me right? Yep that's it he thinks I'm funny, that's a sign!! CLICK, the bathroom door opened and it was Everest. UGH! I looked in the mirror pretending like I was checking my mascara and ignored her. Debbie walks in moments afterwards complaining how she got ISD too just minutes ago, and how she knew she should of skipped school today.

      I can't believe I have ISD with DEBBIE! She's super annoying with her twin Daisy and their whole crew, I decided to leave before they started to multiply but was kinda to late. Daisy and Lola were barging in. "Eww you all was in here with this rat" Daisy said looking disgusted. "She was making her make up look even worse so decided not to interfere" said Everest with a smirk. I wanted to start making my hands fly and dance across her face but I didn't and just walked past.

     I stuffed my books in my bag and left the school building, I took my bike and rode off. Soon I'll get my driver licenses and my dream guy. I went to dollar shell and got some food. I realized it was passing period and decided to call Rachel at school. Rachel is my best friend ever she helped me through so much during middle school. But that's another story for another time. "Hey Rachel I got ISD and detention and long story short I'm at dollar shell eating my pain away" I continued to tell her what happened and how I died from embarrassment. She wasn't really surprised knowing how I be. "Really Toya very typical of u, but since u at dollar shell get me some Doritos and meet me at The Alley. K luv you gotta go byeee." She said before she hanged up.

    Rachel usually like talking about herself or she's not really interested in the topic and some times she's interested in what I have to say depending on the topic but I love her anyway because she's my first real friend. I got her chips then headed towards alleys on my bike, I decided to start my interview as the new server early before teens from the whole district started swarming here like crazy. I thought it was a good idea cause I'm always here on a daily might as well get paid for being here.


     1 interview and hour later school was out and I could only imagine all the students rushing over here to get good spots. Almost forgot to mention "alleys" a hang out for kids of all social groups from all four school in the schools district where kids come to hang out, eat study and "study." Louie's a chill guy who owns the place and something exciting happens almost everyday. This is the place where all make out videos, fights, and party's go wrong are filmed.

     "Toya where's my chips" Rachel said waving from the door. I tossed them over to her and we went to our table. We waited for Zeke's and his guy group that occasionally sits with us. It's crazy how I could talk to so many guys but not Caleb. Zeke and his guy friends walked in and over to us. I notice him with a new guy and he wasn't hard to notice because not gonna cap was fine asf, but he seem so familiar.

"Rachel, Toya this is Declan he moved to Green Stone high today and I decided to show him around so ofc I had to bring him to Alleys". Declan hmm Declan. Then it clicked, that name he's the famous HAB football player. He's the youngest player to ever get into HAB, he also acts in a Tv show called "Same Side".

Apparently I wasn't the only one to notice that because girls started flowing over to our table to meet him. You may think this is cool to have a a famous guy in our school, but I dislike his guts. He's just another brat with money and a pretty face. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the crowd before it began to grow. I felt a tug on my arm and stopped. I slowly turn my head to give who ever that was the wtf look. "Wait your zeke friend right? I didn't get to introduce myself, not like you already don't know who I am anyway" Declan smiled. My "are you serious" face activated and I just couldn't control it.

"Oh really I don't recall me knowing a Destin who are you again" I said as I faked a smile and let loose of his grasp. "Very funny ... what's your name i didn't catch it" he replied and grabbed my hand arm again. Wish Caleb could've grabbed my arm like that and finally notice me, but ofc I end up with a snob. "Firstly baby-boo let go of my arm second you are irrelevant and therefore I'm not sharing my name with someone I just met so. Byeee!"👋🏾 I said as I walk off to the bathroom.

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