New Everything! ~2~

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     Homecoming coming! I have one last chance to get in trouble or I can't go. I'm hoping Caleb ask me, so I decided to wear my best fits this week and do my makeup extra nice and even possible TALK TO HIM! That and my main goal is to get to him before anyone else. So starting today when I walk though those school doors I'm going to school early and going straight to his English class and.... I actually don't know what I'm going to say. I should ask Zeke he chill with all the guys and is one of my best friends too. I'm chill with most of the guys but still can't seem to talk to Caleb. Ugh!

       I go to Rachel instead and ask for her advice because she's the first person I see. She said I should just go for it so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I take a quick look inside the room and there he is, but he wasn't alone. Everest was there being all Lovey-Dovey with my man. "Y'all are going to be so cute going to homecoming together" Debbie shrieks. "I know Debbie I'm going to be homecoming court for sure with Caleb by my side" Everest said with a smirk. My heart sank and the room was spinning.

          How could he already be taken and by Everest. As I regain focus I notice Everest glimpses my way and she let out another smirk.  😏  I turned around so quick and tried to leave before the waterworks came. My thoughts were scattered, did she know I was gonna ask him, am I even going to homecoming now, HOCOs in a week and I got nun prepared.

        THUMP!! Plop I was on the floor and so was my phone. "Omg I'm so sorry let me get that for you" he said. "No," I quickly replied and grabbed my phone. " Don't touch my phone, I could get it myself." I refused to look up because by now I was a mess. " Hey, aren't you No name from Alleys last week. I'm Declan, You left pretty quickly as if you was tryna avoid me last time we meet" he said offering to help me up. At least he kinda got the ideal but can't take a hint. 🙄" I have a name, and what you doing at school this early, what you want." I said still looking down.

        "Well Zeke's not here today and I'm lost," He  says looking around.
            "Umm are you ok why won't you look at me, also since you here can't you help me to my classes." He adds.

     I rub my eyes still looking down, " I'm fine and ion got time to help you with your classes.

    Declan crouches down to get on Toya's level. He lifted Toyas face up and notice she was crying. He felt a bit of shock and didn't know what to say.

    "Get your hands off me, I said I'm fine." I said finally getting up. " Why can't you keep your hands to your self,  just leave me alone," I added as I started to walk away.

        Declan turned and grabbed Toya and ran in a empty club meeting room near them.

     I had it with this kid I seriously need a restraining order or something! If he put his hands on my again I might not even get the chance to go to HOCO anyway.

"Wtf Decker, I dare you to touch me again. Do you know what personally space is?" I said in a low scream.

"That's the bell everyone in the hall would of seen you crying" he replied and in a apologetic tone.

I fixed my face, looked at him confused. Why would he even try to help me? He's just another snob with money Toya, don't let it go to your head.
"I got to go" I said heading for the door.

"Wait can you help me to my classes, I really don't want to get bombarded by girls in the hallway" he said with the most begging smile.

" So that why you ran in this room, it wasn't about me. Well have fun in the halls with the stupid girls in our grade, I know lots of them would be HAPPY to show you around." I let out a fake smile then eye roll and left before he could even explain.

     The day went on Everest just had to make it known that her and Caleb was going to HOCO. At lunch, Rachel had her club meeting and I was pretty much alone. So I decided to take a walk around the school. As I was walking though the corner of my eye I could see Caleb with his friends and the new kid. 😒 I would of so go over there to talk to Caleb but the new kid does the most.

       It's not like I could do anything more stupid. So I decided to walk up to them. I tried to act very cool but it's hard just looking at Caleb's Tan skin and his blue eyes. My heart was pounding but I had to talk to him or my chances of even thinking of going to Homecoming would be little. Even if I can't go to homecoming with him I'd be happy knowing I finally talked to him.

      "H-he-hey guys and Caleb, um I was just walking around and noticed y'all so I decided to say hi." I said with a chill voice.

        "Oh hey Tori aren't you the one who alway sleeps on class then screams and gets in trouble when you wake up." Caleb said with a chuckle.

      They all started laughing except the new kid. Toya was a little embarrassed but realized that Caleb actually notice her. So if she had to make a fool of herself for him to notice her, she was more than fine with it.

      "My names Toya actually, but tori's fine. Yea I'm always getting in trouble or making a fool of myself " I said.
       "So Homecoming coming soon, I heard your going with Everest, I don't know what you see in her but." I added

       If ima talk to the kid with the nicest smile and great hair, I might as well be truthful. Because it Everest the ugly blonde who's a total hoe.

      "Oh yea she basically begged me and was the first one to ask me so I was like why not. I might get a little some after." Caleb said in the most cockiest way ever.
      All his guy friends started hyping him up and laughing. Except Declan who looked fed up before he really got to know them. Toya looked confused because she could be a little slow sometimes and she just faked laugh with the rest of the guys.

     "Well we gotta go Tori I guess we'll see you at The Alleys." Caleb said all smooth as he walked away.

   "Oh ya a-aaa- any- anytime" I said trying to be cool.

    As the guys walked away Declan looked back at Toya in the most concerning way. Toya finally let go of the act and was screaming in the inside, she finally talked to CALEB but she revealed her name to the new kid.

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