The Letter

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The door burst open, hitting the wall adjacent to it, causing the woman to jump in shock and pull her gun, aiming it towards the open door. 

'She's gone,' the burly voice echoed around the room as the hulking figure stepped into the room. The woman lowered her gun and sat back down at her desk.

'Please don't do that, Thor. I will shoot you,' Nat sighed, leaning back in her chair. Thor stared at her, burrowing into her soul.

'I asked her to go,' she said after a few seconds.

'Why? Why did she have to go?' He questioned moving further into the room.

'She was the only one who could reach the planet in time.'

'She had to go that instant?' 

'It was a vital distress,'

'She didn't even say goodbye. Was it that important that she couldn't spare five minutes?' Thor began ranting at the woman before him. 'It's been a month since she left and Val is distraught. She has stopped speaking to us and is constantly working. Did Carol tell you they were dating? Couldn't you have let Carol say goodbye?'

Nat stared at the Asguardian before her and raised an eyebrow. 

'I did let Carol say goodbye.'

Confusion swirled around Thor as he processed this information.

'Carol told me that she didn't want to wake Val, she said the Val had been exhausted from work and so she wrote a letter to her before she left.'

'Did she say where she left it?' Thor turned towards the door and moved swiftly towards it waiting for the answer.

'Yeah it was in Val's room.' Nat called to him as he left the room.


Thor returned to Asguard, determination etched into his face, he called to Loki and whispered instructions to him. Surprise filled the trickster features, but he nodded and disappeared with his signature smirk gracing his face. 

Thor spotted Valkyrie working along the docks and sat down beside her. She turned to look at him, pausing slightly before standing up. Thor grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down, embracing her in a hug. Moments passed, and as he moved to release her, Val snaked her arms around him and buried her face into his chest.


Loki began his search of the room, slightly tidying as he went. First he checked the visible surfaces, checking the desks and tables - even the top of the wardrobe. He continued working through the room, taking at least an hour to search. 


He slumped down on the floor, leaning against the bed and questioned where the letter could have been put. A few minutes passed when he sighed in defeat and pushed himself up.


He froze. He turned towards the bed and crouched down next to it. He crawled to the other side of the bed and stared underneath it.

He'd found the letter. Getting to it - on the other hand - was another matter. 

Loki sighed before thrusting his hand under the bed and attempting to grab the letter. He flattened himself against the floor and put his hand back under the bed. He grasped the letter and slid it out towards him, retracting his arm and  jumping to his feet. He picked up the letter and turned towards the door.

Val stood watching him as he jumped to his feet, a smile etched to his face as he picked something up and turned towards the door. He looked up and locked eyes with her, extending his hand with the paper towards her. 

'You knew I was here?' She questioned as she took the letter from him.

'Yes, only Natasha has managed to sneak up on me.'

Val opened the letter and looked back up at Loki. She returned to the letter, tears forming in her eyes, as she continued to read. Loki stared worriedly at the girl before him, unsure of what to do - Thor was the emotions, what was he meant to do? Val closed the letter and looked back up at Loki before running at him and embracing him tightly. 

Loki looked at the woman currently hugging him and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her.

'Thank you,' She whispered and squeezed him.

'It was nothing,' He answered patting her head gently. Val laughed and released him, wiping her face to get rid of the tear tracks.

'How did you know she left it?' 

'Thor,' he answered simply.

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