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Leaving ghosts of kisses along her skin, the soft wind played with her hair and wrapped around her legs that dangled off of the dock. Drawing her jacket tighter around her shoulders, Val sighed and stared up at the dark sky. Pulling the paper out of her pocket she re-read the letter for what felt like the thousandth time. She smiled sadly. She flipped the letter over and continued to map out the sky, adding in as much detail as she could. Hours passed as she continued to map out the stars, shifting her position whenever she began to lose feeling in her limbs. 

Knock Knock Knock

Sighing heavily, she tucked the letter back into her pocket and looked back up at the sky waiting for a few moments ; hoping and praying...

Knock Knock Knock

She rolled her eyes and got to her feet. ' I got it, I got it.' She muttered, trudging back along the docks towards her home. She locked her door behind her and climbed up the stairs, falling into her bed.


Pencil dragged across paper as she mapped out the stars that danced above her, the wind dragging through her hair and nipping at her skin. Val refused to admit that she was cold but many nights ice flowed through her veins and froze her bones. Val had become used to this feeling so it didn't concern her any more. The map had become increasingly more detailed each night that Val was on the Docks, the many hours sat on the old wood had allowed her to learn each constellation off by heart. 

Knock Knock Knock

Val sighed, shook her head and continued drawing her map of the stars. For a few moments, Val was continued her drawing without interruptions.

 'Here,' Loki's voice was soft, comforting even as he passed her a mug of hot chocolate.

'Thanks,' Val whispered, accepting the mug and taking a sip. 

'It's late.'

'I know,' Val stuffed the letter back into her pocket and turned towards the mischievous God.  'Something just told me to stay here.'

'That's why I brought you the drink.'

'How did you know I was staying?' Val asking, sipping her drink.

'You continued drawing, normally you look up at the sky after I knock.' Loki looked at Val and they locked eyes for a moment. Loki raised his hand to Val's cheek and stared at her harder. Her heart sped up, confusion flooding her brain. Pull away , she screamed at herself, her breathing increased and she felt trapped -

'You're crying,' Loki wiped the tears from Val's face and lowered his hand. Val felt even more confused. Why had she freaked out like that? Looking away from him, she set down her mug,

'Val, you can talk to me,' Loki's features were laced with concern, an expression she had never seen before. Before she could stop herself, she hugged Loki tightly, burring her face into his chest. 

'Val you just miss her,' His voice swirled around her head, comforting her. She pulled away a little and looked at him.

'You're right,' she nodded, pulling away fully and picking up the mug. 'I'll see you tomorrow'

Val got to her feet and swiftly walked back to her home, keeping her head down until she got there. 

Loki sighed. Getting to his feet, he slowly walked back to his home replaying what just happened. Was Val scared of him? Maybe she just didn't trust him fully yet, he sighed again and enter his home, coming face to face with an angry Thor.

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