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Oh good Lord! What have I done?

I instantly ran outside and felt my hands shivered with fear.

I'm a murderer. I'm a murderer.

I feel like my heart would explode as of this moment. I didn't mean to. I swear. Oh Doamne.

I was driving on the right lane heading to provincial area in this town where I'm supposed to be stationed.

When all of a sudden I noticed a headlight go left and right swiftly. I beeped so that it would slow down. Oh Lord it was now on my lane! So I maneuvered away and step on the brake.

I hope nothing happened to him/her.

I ran to his/her car and noticed that it ran into a tree.

I knocked the window and then stop.

What if the person is unconscious? So I think quickly and opened the door.

I covered my mouth to stop the gasp I'm about do.

It was a guy and his forehead was covered in blood. It looks like it was smashed on his window.

His car was on fire and I was nervous, Goodness what shall I do?

I act quick and carefully took him out of his car before the fire spread or before the car explode while still supporting his head. I can't risk him having concussion. I immediately laid him flat on the ground, good thing we're in a soiled area.

I checked first if he was still breathing so I leaned my ear onto his nose to hear it. And he's still breathing

He reeks of alcohol. Huh, so that's the reason why he can't drive well.

Ok, I leaned his head slightly upwards so he could breath easily. I also made sure that his neck was not twisting in some sort of way and fished out my phone.

I called for an assistance from the place I was stationed since the city is far from here. I told them there was an accident. And I'm in need of an ambulance and a stretcher

Still holding his face I made sure I didn't cover his ears, I took off my overcoat and made it a support so that his head won't roll sideways.

I need to stop his bleeding first because it is doing so vigorously.

When I knew that his head won't move anymore I stood up and went to my car. Good thing I had a first aid kit at the back of my car.

I took it out and laid it beside him. I fished myself a new pair of disposable gloves and clean the messy blood first.

After that I dressed his wound. I also proceeded to take note how he breath to make sure there was no problem in his lungs.

It's a good thing that I was a medicine student so I know what to do firsthand.

I waited for another 5 minutes before I noticed the small local ambulance on his way here.

It stopped a few feet away from me and the medics went out and got the stretcher ready. Some went to the car to extinguish the fire with the fire extinguisher.

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