New School Mid Year

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Gabrielles pov

For six months my parents were without a job. My father worked in construction and my mother worked in a diner. After my fathers accident at work my mother had to quit her job to take care of him. We thought my father would be able to start back working after a month but his injury didnt heal in time. My mother told him she would have to go back to work to keep up the bills but no one would take her. The only job she ever had was that diner job and they wouldnt even take her back thoes bastards. Im glad shes not working there anymore. That old man that owns the diner always made her work ridiculous hours.

For months we struggled. One month our power got cut off another month it was our water. When my sister and i would go to school we would take extra breakfast and extra lunch from the school just to bring it back home so our parents would have something to eat. Then one day something amazing happened. My father got a job for a big construction company. Apparently when my father was out lookin for a job he met this man and started talking about company ideas and what not. Next thing we knew that man built the company idea that my father gave him. The company is called 'A Helping Hand' and the idea is to help people that are struggling with their homes if something breaks or your roof falls in. Anything from big to little that company will help you. It has its own construction team and thats what my father is going to be doing. He's the boss of the helping hands construction team.

Now that my father has a new big job, we have to move from Texas all the way to Ohio. My sister is not too happy about moving because of all her friends she has to leave behind. For me, well i love the idea. I was always different from other people. Ive been called weird a freak and allot of other names. Literature is my most favorite subject. I love writing and telling stories; but the way i tell them and write them, thats why i get picked on. I write with passion i give the characters emotions, feelings, desires. The teachers loved my stories but the students acting like children always laughed and made fun of me. I try not to let it get to me much but when it started to happen every day thats when it started to bug me. Hopefully this new school will have students that are more mature and i wont have to worry so much.

We arrived at our new house around lunch. I couldnt believe the size of it. It was huge and looked a bit old. "Yeah it needs just a little love put into it and she will be good as new" my father says. "Are you going to do all this by yourself?" My mother asked. "No im going to call my team over here and itll be our first job basically so the boss can see what we are capable of." I grab my stuff and head inside to find a room. I pock a room with a balcony that looks over the back fields and its amazing. Theres a big oak tree with a tire swing how cute. I know a spot where im going to be reading at. When we all finished packing my mother called and ordered pizza. I was so excited because i havent had pizza in a long time. "Girls tomorrow we have to wake up early and go get your classes but you wont start school till the next day." "Thats weird why the next day?" I ask. "Who cares" my sister says. "I want to go back and be with my friends." Lila jumps up and runs to her room leaving me my mother and my father at the table. "So father when are you going to call your team to come help with the house?" "Yeah hunny and who are they anyway?" My father laughs at our curiosity. "Well im calling them first thing in the morning and my Co constructer is a really nice guy his name is Derrick he has a wife and two step sons and a step daughter." "We should have them stay for dinner some time that reminds me i need to go grocery shopping." "We can go after we get our classes but im going to bed now good night." I go up to my room and crawl into my nice big bed and go to sleep.

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