#6 - Impatient Readers

166 13 3

People who request a oneshot and expect it written THE NEXT DAY.

I'm not joking, a few months ago someone requested a oneshot and less than 24 hours later DMed me asking why it hadn't been published yet. I decided not to write their request after that because I'm not going to provide a free service like this to rude, impatient people. If they were paying me for it I probably would have still done it, but what people have to understand is that besides Wattpad I've got my own life, my own responsibilities, my own social life, school, piano, other work I need to do. And it pisses me off when people seem to think I spend my whole life here, because that simply isn't true.

Writing entire oneshots/stories doesn't happen overnight, at least it doesn't for anyone who wants to call themself a decent writer. It takes time to figure out plotlines, timing, characters, then writing the first draft, editing, cropping parts out, adding parts in, proofreading, editing grammar. It takes forever, especially for someone with the attention span of a three-year-old.

If it's been a week or so, fair enough. Give me a nudge. If you make a request you'll probably be waiting a good couple of weeks because as I said before, this isn't my whole life. Thanks for understanding and being patient.

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