Chap 26

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Arturo pov

I can't believe she didn't tell me about her birthday is today .

Why didn't she tell me I woke from her beautiful mouthwatering scent . She smelled so good so I just knew that it was her birthday .

I am happy that he told me yes to ask for her hand . But am I doing to do I know if I take her to a dinner she won't say yes .....that's why I have to rush to this meeting and get it over with and find a puppy for her .... So the little thing can follow her around when I'm out like this and her gramps is a sleep or something .... I know she's a sucker to huskies so I'm getting her one ....

I can't help but think what kind of meeting this is why would I have to go
to it ....

All the alphas are going so I hope I don't have to deal with the asshole there ....

One hour later .....

I walk into the place where we are having the meeting .... I see I'm late and I see the other alphas are here ..

"I'm sorry I am late ."

" It's fine alpha Arturo ... please take a seat ..." Another alpha says to me and every one looks at me ... I see the son of a bitch is here ....

" We are here today because of the girl that was left half to death ...."

I stand up and I speak out since I know he's talking about Juila ....". The girl is dead .."

" How do you this ? "

" She was on my territory I was the one that took her to get medical attention why are is this important ? "

" the young girls parents are very upset they want to know about their daughter ....". I look around the room and I see two people who are not alphas ...

"Then they shouldn't of been beating their daughter ...."

" Alpha Arturo your out of line ...."

" No I'm not they are for beating their child now she's dead .... "

" Alpha Arturo out side now ....." he tells me and he looks at me ..

" No I won't they want to know about their daughter I will .... She left to die but you two did nothing to help her the doctor didn't think she would of made it . Two days later she dead I hope your happy know the little girl you once had is gone now thanks to you .... "

The parents stood up ..." the doctor says she has been beaten for years that poor man of a grandfather .... he cares for her why could you two ???? "

The parents walk out of the room and the alphas look at with a smile ... We all stand together when it's about standing together and abuse children , females and in this case the alpha shouldn't of been like that to his own pack member at all ....

The jack ass steps out following the parent and every one just looks at each other ....

" Well I'm sorry you didn't save the girl but I have my Luna and children to go home to ..... I believe a few others agree so we are dismissed .... " One of the other alpha says and every one walks out while I just sit there .....

The alpha that is the asses father sits on the table in front of me making realize where I was ...

" Something you said got me ...."

" Why do you want to know about her ? "

" Just tell me she's okay ?? That's all I need to know and I will pretend her death is real to but I can smell her scent is on you .... "he says to me and that's when I realize she was wearing this shirt yesterday .... Damn it Juila !!! I say in my head ....

I pull out my phone that's a I phone six and I press a button . On the screen was our first picture together that her grandfather took of us on our first 'date ' day before our real date .

" She looks fine to me don't you think .... " I show him the picture of us being stupid that day it goes on to a show side of our pictures together of us for the pass few weeks ...

" Her grandfather is with us and I will tell you the date of the wedding ..."

" What ?! "

" I'm going to ask her for her hand , that's why I was late I was asking him for permission ..... "

" Wow your still alive ? "

" Yea , I am ..."

" I am happy for you really you better invite me don't worry I won't tell anyone what your doing ..... thank you for taking care of her .. By the way since you have one of mine with you do you just so happen to have another person with you .... male ...."

I cut him off thinking about Nathan ..... " Nathan ? The brother is a beta ??? Yea he's there and he's not leaving either why ??? "

" The boy lied to my son in his face about two - three weeks ago at lease saying she's dead ..... He didn't even tell anyone where he is not where he is going ....."

" He's safe well now he's safe she's my sister mate ... don't worry he's safe just as long as he doesn't try to pull something he did before ..... "

" Okay that's nice to know I'll tell his parents that he has ran off with his mate ... do you know by any chance if he's going to stop giving his mother a heart pain ...."

" I'll tell him but he does call but the line is always busy though . That I do know for sure because he tries a few time though out the day .... "

"Okay, thank you I will tell them thank you again for watching , caring and loving her .... don't worry she's in good hands well you better go because today is her birthday ..... "

" I know I was going to pop the question .... tonight so wish me long ... " I say as we walk out of the room then we go are own ways after he wishes me luck ...

I rush to my car car now off to buy her a puppy .... along with strawberries I wonder how is her day ..... so far I hope I can get to do what ever else I have to do today ...

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