farm Boy

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2 years back I had gone on a road trip with my friends, I had to leave earlier than the rest because my way back home was 2 days longer since I lived far.

It was getting dark and my car started making weird noises, I was already alarmed because I've seen a fair share of horror movies and this seemed like the beginning of one. I chuckled for no apparent reason but you could tell I was slightly frightened ..I took out my phone from my pocket and checked my reception it was extremely low and my eyes immediately darted to a single low red line,  damn it my battery was at 15%.

That's when my car stopped
I honestly was freaking out now
I immediately texted my older  brother my location and before I could type "hyung my car broke down- can.."
I was in utter shock.

I got out of the car , stared at the punctured tire for a minute
And then lost my shit
I started jumping and stomping like a 3 year old kid who didn't get what they wanted.

Tae's POV:

I had just finished composing a song and I slowly closed my notebook satisfied with the outcome,  when my Grandma asked me to check the estate before bed.
I yelled back saying "ON IT"
The Farm is really huge and at night sometimes we have wild animals come in.
I also took my dog yeongtan to catch a breeze ..I stared at the beautiful starry sky when yeongtan started barking loudly towards a direction,  I tried to shoo him but then something caught my eye a car with the headlights on was parked on the one way road to the city and I had to squint my eyes to get a closer look and to confirm if I had in fact seen a grown man stomp around in the middle of nowhere.

Jk pov:

I was so exhausted and yet wanted to scream,  I could feel myself sulking when I felt something wet on my cheek
Omg it was raining
How does someone have this bad luck??
I was already half drenched when I reached out to the car door handle and pulled and pulled again at this point I was trying to break off the complete door when I saw the car keys inside
I- did I just shut myself out in rain in the middle of nowhere at night??
Well yes. I'm sure I was going to cry Niagara Falls at this point.

Tae's Pov:

I didn't know who this person was but they were an absolute mess and I couldn't stop laughing,  I ran back into the house and grabbed an umbrella
When my grandma yelled WHERE ARE  YOU GOING??
I was already out the door though and slowly approached the young man

Jk pov:

"BOO!" I felt my heart drop.
Omg wth who are you?? Stay away I have a wrench with me  and I shall not hesitate to use it and also I'm a black belt in Taekwondo so don't even try!
At this point I was just babbling in fear
When I heard sudden chuckling I slowly opened my eyes to see an umbrella over my head and a face extremely close to me
"Okay black belt,  I'm sorry..I was just trying to help you out a little."
Literally the most beautiful human I'd ever seen,  I was in literal awe and had to snap myself out of a stare down.



"Oh um , would you like to come in?"

"Um, yes please."

Tae's Pov:

I was at my grandmother's for the holidays, I honestly was bored but could do away with time but the last thing I thought I'd find here was a cute guy. He was completely soaked and explained to me his situation my grandmother almost immediately fell for his cuteness just like I did.
She even made him green tea.

Jk pov:

In midst of all this  chaos all I could see was an angel. could a human being be this handsome? I almost choked on the green tea his wonderful grandmother made for me when I realized how deep his voice was. I gulped.

"Would you like to take a bath and get changed?"

"Omg you are extremely kind , thank you pls forgive me for causing trouble"

"Ah not At all, you remind me exactly of my grandson Taehyungie"

"Stay as long as you like"

I put on the robe and headed to the Sauna , it felt so good.
Hey um are you in?
Do you mind if I join?
N- no- not at all
That's when Taehyung entered the Sauna he honestly was the most unreal looking thing I'd ever seen
Haha ik it's funny but I never got to ask your name
Oh , yeah Haha it's jungkook
Hmm it's a nice name
I'd honestly never felt this way before especially with a  man..I could literally feel the tension between us ..I caught him staring at my lips.

And for some reason I leaned a little closer, that's when he proceeded to bite his lips and wipe mine ..his hands drifted to my shaped abs and then he pulled me into a kiss
Our lips were locked and they moved in sync his hand supported my waist and neck and my hand went into his hair grabbing hard as he proceeded to butterfly kiss my nape.
Idk what hit me but I pulled back....I barely knew this guy , it's been what half an hour of knowing eachother
I was seriously making out with a stranger??

I said I'm sorry in panic and hurried out of the sauna.

*skip to bedtime*

Hey here,  these are a few blankets for you and also make sure to close the mosquito nets completely

I awkwardly took them and thanked him
It was honestly so humid and I couldn't stop trying to adjust the regulator

Would you like to sit on the terrace
Um sure

The night sky was honestly so beautiful stars completely covered it and you'd never get this view from the city , the cool breeze made the summer heat just vanish

We spoke for almost an hour,  it felt like I had known him for years and we just connected.  I had never met anyone this beautiful both in and out

I couldn't take it anymore when I

When I  kissed him and pulled back we stared at eachother for a second and dived in again it just felt right.


Hey , author nim here
This was my first one shot/ fanfic
I hope you liked it!
^_^ ♡
I'LL write more if I see a response to this
Pls make sure to tell me if you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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