Winter Love

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- Why are you doing this? - Bella tried to hold his hand and release herself from his grip, but was in vain - I have done nothing to you.- Quiet - Alastaire muttered, pressing the girl against the tree and holding her jaw careful enough to avoid leaving a mark - Everyone it's making you feel like home, forgetting how you came from our enemies and how we know nothing about you.- Your enemies? - Her voice failed for a moment, it was possible to see the tears of anger building up inside her eyes - I have no interest in making part of any of this, I do not wish to harm anyone.- Hear me out - He held her more tightly - If you do anything against us, you will wish that you never forsake your country.- I won't stand your aggressions when I have done nothing... - She spoke coldly - I swear to you, If you ever do such a thing again...I will fight back.The man stared at her completely startled, not expecting to hear a woman threat's nor to have his arm pushed away from her so roughly. Isabella returned to the wagon with a cold gaze, her eyes was shinning with tears of anger, but she wouldn't let them fall down her face. Crying in front of such a grotesque man it would only bring him satisfaction, which was far for what she desired. The whole path back to the estate was made in complete silence and as soon as they stopped at the entrance, she jumped out of the wagon with the basket in hands and didn't look back. But she surely had plans to teach him a lesson.

Pierce Estate - Friday morning

Since the moment of fury of Alastaire, the young woman avoid to be at the same place of him, sometimes just politely greeting him with a nod when bumped into him inside the estate. The lunch would always start to be prepared early, after all, at eleven am most of men and women working tireless since the sunset were starving. Bella was amateur at the art of cooking, neverthless found herself enjoying very much to do it. She was humming a song of her time while was cutting some vegetables, when Angela rushed to inside the kitchen seeming to be alarmed. Isabella didn't hesitate in stand up and curtsy before her mistress, who approached and took her hand.

- You come with me - Angela said bluntly without explain much and started to guide down the hall.

- Where are we going, my lady? - She asked gently, but had a worried expression on her face - Something happened that I should know?

- Captain Randall it's coming with his men, he will fetch somethings, but while he do it...You must out of his sight.

- Why? 

- Because he is a monster - Angela replied without care to hide how much she despise the man.

Bella was taken to a part of the house that never been to before, Angela opened what seemed to be a wardrobe and revelead a wooden door on the floor, which seemed to lead to some kind of basement. It was a pretty damp place, the lack of light made it difficult for her to walk without feel like it was about to bump into something, until they reached a part that had some bars made of iron, making it possible to have some vision of outside. She stayed a few steps behind, not wishing to be caught watching, but could hear the sound of horses getting louder. Joseph appeared with his men, each one of them carrying wooden boxes with wine, also a small sack that appear to have some coins inside. A man with brown long hair, tall body and his perfect sewed english uniform dismounted his horse to have a conversation with Joseph, that do not seemed to be amused with his presence.

- What he does? - Bella asked in a whisper - If he is a monster, why Joseph is talking with him? Why we are here?

- He kills, he rapes, he wips and tortures people - Angela spoke keeping her voice low, but expressing her disgust through it - He just desires to take and take for his own interests, making the fine line that unites England and Scotland to break every passing day. Making every one of us fall day by day, he is the devil on earth, Bella. And you must hide yourself from it or otherwise...

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