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Two Days after the bonfire

Village in Inverness - Scotland 

The last days got Bella thinking about the moment that shared with Joseph, wondering if it was all something made up by her mind, specially since after a few drinks she felt her mind clouded. But his actions made it clear something was odd, perhaps he had some sort of regret about his behavior, however it was not her place to ask about it. That morning was the first time she went to the village near by completely alone, leading the wagon through the road. The path was calm as usual and everything went out as expected, except in the way back where one of the wheels seemed to be misplaced and not working as it should. All her determination to fix it was in vain, she could walk to get help, but leaving a wagon filled with furs and supplies it wasn't an option. She was frustrated that not a single soul would walk by, until was surprised by the sound of a horse and without hesitated stayed in the middle of the road to ask for help.

- Sir? - She asked moving her arms to caught the attention - Could you please help me?

The dark hair man didn't hesitate to stop his horse behind the wagon and dismount to help her. As he got closer, it was possible to see his beauty and how youthful he was, probably her age or a bit older. His hair was a bit messy due the riding, but it didn't make him less attractive or charming. His light eyes switched to the wheel where she was standing closely, realizing the problem without hear a word about it.

- Good day, my lady - He spoke with a gentle voice and cleaned his throat - I see you have a small issue with the wagon, it's nothing to worry and it can be fixed rather quickly if you excuse me...

- Oh! - Bella realized that was standing on the way and moved to be closer to the horse leading the wagon, which she tapped the back affectionately, sometimes staring the man who seemed to be concentrated on his task - Hm...Anything I can help?

- Not really - He confessed and a moment later stepped away, rubbing his hands together to get rid of the dust - I guess it's safe to go, miss...

- Isabella Turner, my lord - She introduced herself with a gentle smile - And you?

- Not lord, just Sebastian de Poitiers, but most people calls me Bash - He explained and stared her for a moment - You work close from here?

- Yes, for the Pierces - She explained folding her delicate hands - I must thank you for your assistance, I would probably spend the day here.

- Well, send my best for the Pierces, they are good people - He nodded remaining serious and bowed his head excusing himself - Have a good day, lady Turner.

- A bid you a good day as well, sir.

It was all she could say, since he turned around and returned to his horse quietly. The man was incredibly handsome and yet seemed to be completely austere, very different from the scottish people who seemed to be so warming and smiling all the time at the others. As he left with his dark brown horse, it was time for her to go as well. Perhaps Elise would tell her something more about that mysterious man, who got her so curious to know about him so suddenly. But foccusing on her task again, the young woman climbed the wagon and continued her way without any unforeseen problem that time.

Pierce Estate - Afternoon

As they sat down in the balcony, Elise was doing her best to teach Bella how to sew and embroider. For Isabella it was a frustration how she could fail repeatetly in something who seemed to be so easy, but the more that she tried it would only make it worst. When she realized how Elise was holding her laugh, she stopped and made a face, before burst into a chuckle as well. A bit far from where they were, it was possible to see Joseph foccused on carrying tumbleweed to inside the stables, it was actually something impressive how he would do such simple tasks, even with his high position. But the girl glanced down as soon as he looked in her direction, pretending quickly to pay attention to the cloth in her hands.

- So...- Elise begun placing the needle down - I was drunk, but I remember you and our lord spending half of the party together and he don't stop staring at you since then.

- He...- Bella stopped herself from a moment wondering what could share - He was kind enough to walk me back to my chambers and also make sure I would feel welcome in the party, that's it.

- I believe his feelings for you are growing into something more than just be receptive - She confessed, noticing how the girl stared at ther so shocked - What? You are a beautiful and interesting young woman, only a fool wouldn't be attracted by that.

- And yet I'm a maid without an inch of land nor a respectful position to stand next to someone with his tittle - She pointed out adjusting her position in the chair - I have nothing to offer.

- The man is rich and have all his future safely settled, what he could possible want from someone else?

- You have a point, but yet I'm sure his feeling towards me are just out of his kindness and good heart - Bella said glancing down to her shoes, realizing it was a good opportunity to ask what she wanted to know - I had an issue with the wagon today, a man called Sebastian de Poitiers helped me.

- Oh, Bash! - Elise's face changed in realization as she continued to sew- He is a nice man, very reserved, but gentle.

- Well...And very handsome - She chuckled softly and rested her chin on her palm - I wonder if he is as handsome under all those clothes, the winter makes it really hard to have a look in anyone's body, luckily our lord decided to work today wearing only a simple tunic...

- Isabella!

Elise shook her head in disbelief while Isabella was covering her lips laughing, not caring that what she said could be considered indecent. She had nothing to loose after all.

A Few Days Later - Abbernathy Estate

The Abbernathy were a simple family, farmers who used to seel their productions in the market at least once in a week. Elise was their only child, sometimes having to sacrifice her own belongs to keep the farm working in difficult times. That particular situation was one, when they wrote asking a small amount of money to pay the taxes being demanded by the english soldiers. Bella joined her friend, not desiring to let her go all by herself and from a distance they could to recognize the red coats. The old man who seemed to be Elise's father seemed to be relieved when laid eyes on them and the young girl didn't hesitate in dismount her horse and approach carrying a small bag with the pounds.

- Sir, I have the taxes - She approached one of the two soldiers standing with a frightening expression and took the bag just letting the pounds fall on his other palm.

- The price rose, your father was informed, my lady. We will need to teach him a lesson, it's the second time this happens 

- The red head man spoke for the first time - Perhaps you could do the work...Or we will be forced to take the lambs.

- Or give them a few more days to get the amount needed - Bella spoke after leave her horse and watched how they all stared at her - I'm sure it was not his intention to upset any of you

.- We didn't give you the permission to speak - The soldier with dark hair replied with a sharp look - Take the blonde and have some fun, Elliott. We will wait right here.

The disgusting smirk playing on his lips made her stomach sick, but suddenly everything happened too fast. Elise's father held the soldier's arm when he grabbed his daughter and punched his face. Isabella knew that at that moment he just signed his death sentence, the other soldier took his sword trying to act quick, but the young woman was more. Bella grabbed his pistol and pointed to his back. When he was ready to end Mr. Abbernathy's life, she fired without hesitation and watched his body fall. The weapon fell from her hand while was watching the man bleeding out right under her feet, Elise screamed staring at the scene while her father was startled wondering how a woman was capable of such a thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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